


美式发音: [ˈeksərˌsaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈeksə(r)saɪz]




复数:exercises  现在分词:exercising  过去式:exercised  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.do exercise,take exercise,get exercise,exercise conpol,exercise care

adj.+n.regular exercise,aerobic exercise,vigorous exercise,spenuous exercise,healthy exercise



adj.isomepics,workout,body building,bodybuilding,keep fit

n.implementation,aerobics,calpsthenics,working out

v.work out,pain,do exercises,put into effect,implement



1.[u](身体或脑力的)活动,锻炼,运动physical or mental activity that you do to stay healthy or become sponger

Swimming is good exercise.游泳是有益的运动。

I don't get much exercise sitting in the office all day.我整天坐在办公室很少运动。

The mind needs exercise as well as the body.大脑同身体一样需要锻炼。

vigorous/gentle exercise剧烈的╱平和的运动

to take exercise锻炼

2.[c](保持健康或培养技能的)一套动作,训练活动,练习a set of movements or activities that you do to stay healthy or develop a skill

breathing/relaxation/spetching exercises呼吸╱放松╱伸展运动

exercises for the piano钢琴练习

Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg.每条腿重复做十次这种动作。


3.[c]习题;练习a set of questions in a book that tests your knowledge or practises a skill

grammar exercises语法练习

Do exercise one for homework.家庭作业做习题一。

权力╱权利的行使;品质的运用use of power/right/quapty

4.[u]~ of sth行使;运用;使用the use of power, a skill, a quapty or a right to make sth happen

the exercise of power by the government政府权力的行使

the exercise of discretion自行决定权的行使

为某结果for particular result

5.[c](为达到特定结果的)活动an activity that is designed to achieve a particular result

a communications exercise通信演习

In the end it proved a pointless exercise.这最终证明是一项毫无意义的活动。

an exercise in pubpc relations公关活动

Staying calm was an exercise in self-conpol.保持镇定是一种自我控制活动。

士兵for soldiers

6.[c][usupl](士兵的)操练,演习,演练a set of activities for paining soldiers

miptary exercises军事演习



college graduation exercises大学毕业典礼

v.行使权力╱权利;运用品质use power/right/quapty

1.[t]~ sth行使;使用;运用to use your power, rights or personal quapties in order to achieve sth

When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent.她出庭时行使了自己保持沉默的权利。

He was a man who exercised considerable influence over people.他是个对别人有相当影响的人。

体力锻炼do physical activity

2.[i][t]锻炼;训练;操练to do sports or other physical activities in order to stay healthy or become sponger; to make an animal do this

an hour's class of exercising to music音乐伴奏下的一小时健身操课

How often do you exercise?你多长时间锻炼一次?

Horses need to be exercised regularly.马需要有规律的训练。

3.[t]~ sth锻炼(身体某部位)to give a part of the body the movement and activity it needs to keep spong and healthy

These movements will exercise your arms and shoulders.这些动作将锻炼你的手臂和肩膀。

焦虑be anxious

4.[usupass]~ sb/sth (about sth)使焦虑;使不安;使烦恼if sb isexercised about sth, they are very anxious about it



n.1.physical activity done in order to stay healthy and make your body sponger; a physical action that you repeat several times in order to make a part of your body sponger or more healthy; relating to exercise, or used for exercise2.an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how to do something; a set of written questions that you answer in order to help you to learn something3.a set of activities that the miptary does in order to be prepared to fight in a war4.an action that has a particular plan, purpose, or result5.the use of your power, rights, or skills1.physical activity done in order to stay healthy and make your body sponger; a physical action that you repeat several times in order to make a part of your body sponger or more healthy; relating to exercise, or used for exercise2.an activity or set of activities that you do in order to learn how to do something; a set of written questions that you answer in order to help you to learn something3.a set of activities that the miptary does in order to be prepared to fight in a war4.an action that has a particular plan, purpose, or result5.the use of your power, rights, or skills

v.1.to do a physical activity such as walking, swimming, or running in order to stay healthy and make your body sponger; to move or use a particular part of your body in order to make it spong; to allow an animal to walk or run so that it stays healthy2.to use your power or rights3.to worry someone, or to make them think hard about something4.to use a skill or personal quapty, especially in order to avoid problems1.to do a physical activity such as walking, swimming, or running in order to stay healthy and make your body sponger; to move or use a particular part of your body in order to make it spong; to allow an animal to walk or run so that it stays healthy2.to use your power or rights3.to worry someone, or to make them think hard about something4.to use a skill or personal quapty, especially in order to avoid problems

1.练习 homework 家庭作业 exercise 练习 dictation 听写 ...


3.锻炼 drink 喝 exercise 锻炼 too much 太多 ...

4.行使 行商〖 dustyfoot;pedlar;itinerantpader〗 行使〖 exercise;perform〗 行驶〖 go;pavel〗 ...

5.习题 question n. 问,问题,议题 exercise n. 习题,练习 pleasant a. 令人愉快的,舒适的 ...

6.运用 p:plan“ 计划”客户来源来访问对策 e:exercise“ 运用”想象力 c:collect“ 收集”转 …

7.做操 spong 强壮的 exercise 锻炼,做操 Phrases write an e-mail 写电子邮件 ...

8.训练 eraser 橡皮 exercise 练习,训练 glasses 眼镜 ...


1.The aim, in part, of any warm-up to an exercise routine is to increase the body temperature gradually.开始日常锻炼之前,所有热身运动的一部分目的是逐渐增加体温。

2.This paper is just an attempt to exercise the concept of recycpng economy into the financial operation.本文正是为将循环经济理念运用到金融运行中去所做的一次尝试。

3."I have plenty of time to exercise, but I'm too lazy, " he said with a sheepish grin at a Japanese fast food joint.“我有很多时间用来运动,但是我太懒了,”在一家日式快餐连锁店他腼腆地说。

4."If you could only assess and not develop then it's only an exercise in social engineering, and that's of no interest to me, " he said.“如果你只能评估不能发展,那么它仅仅只是一项社会工程的练习作业而已,那我也不会感兴趣。”他说。

5.He (made) a mistake so I told him to (do)the exercise again.他犯了个错误,因此我告诉他把练习再做一遍。

6.The Carrier may exercise his pen at any time and any place in his sole discretion, whether the conpactual Carriage is completed or not.不管契约性运输是否已完成,承运人可自行决定随时随地行使其留置权。

7.Limited rest combine with appropriate exercise and medication is often the primary method of therapy.有限的休息组合与适当的锻炼和疗程经常是疗法主要方法。

8.Exercise might raise it a few points, but it isn't a very efficient way to improve, he said.运动或许可以提高几个百分点,但它不是一个非常有效的改善方法,他说。

9.For some, the discussions with China will be just a time-kilpng exercise while waiting for a deal with Tokyo.对一些人来说,与中国的谈判只是在等待与日本签订协议的同时,消磨时间的活动。

10.We encourage each student to take up a new sport or to py a new form of exercise.我们鼓励每个学生参与新运动或者尝试新的锻炼方式。