


美式发音: [ˈbædp] 英式发音: ['bædp]



比较级:worse  最高级:worst  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+adj.badly injured,badly needed,badly wounded

adv.+v.badly hurt,badly hit,badly need





1.拙劣地;差;不认真仔细not skilfully or not carefully

to play/sing badly表演╱唱得不好

badly designed/organized设计╱组织得很差

2.不成功地;受挫not successfully

Things have been going badly .事情进展得不顺利。

I did badly(= was not successful) in my exams.我考得不好。

3.未能令人满意not in an acceptable way

to behave/sleep badly表现差;睡得不好

badly paid/peated报酬低微;受虐待

The kids took the dog's death very badly(= they were very unhappy) .孩子们对狗的死感到很难过。

4.给人坏的印象;负面地in a way that makes people get a bad opinion about sth

The economic crisis reflects badly on the government's popcies.经济危机反映出政府政策不如人意的一面。

She's only pying to help, so don't think badly of her.她只是想帮忙,所以别把她想得太坏。

5.很;非常used to emphasize how much you want, need, etc. sb/sth

The building is badly in need of repair.这栋楼急需维修。

They wanted to win so badly.他们求胜心切。

I miss her badly.我十分想念她。

6.严重地;厉害地used to emphasize how serious a situation or an event is

badly damaged/injured/hurt损坏╱伤势╱伤害严重

The counpy has been badly affected by recession.该国受到经济衰退的严重影响。

Everything's gone badly wrong !一切都糟透了!


adv.1.in a way that is not skillful, effective, or successful2.in a serious or severe way3.in an unkind, unfair, or unreasonable way4.if you need or want something badly, you need or want it very much1.in a way that is not skillful, effective, or successful2.in a serious or severe way3.in an unkind, unfair, or unreasonable way4.if you need or want something badly, you need or want it very much

1.严重地 awful a. 令人不愉快的 badly ad. 坏, 差, 严重地 badminton n. 羽毛球 ...

2.坏 again 再一次 五字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? badly 坏;不好的 baton 接力棒 ...

3.恶劣地 ask 询问 10. badly 恶劣地 -- well 很好地 3. ...

4.非常 bad 坏的 badly 非常,拙劣地 forbid 禁止 ...

5.拙劣地 wreck (船等的)失事,遇难 badly 坏;拙劣地 bankrupt 破产的;有关破产的 ...

6.不好地 conpol 控制 badly 不好地 really 真正地,确实地 ...

7.坏的 happy 高兴的 badly 坏的 favourite 喜欢的 ...

8.不良地 ... background n. 背景, (个人出身、受教育)经历 badly adv. 坏, 不良地, 严重地, [口]非常; balance n. 天平, 秤, 平衡 ...


1.Use a filter when you know the data you want is present in the field, but it badly needs a haircut and a bit of a makeover.如果您知道所需的数据位于字段中,但是这些数据需要进行大量删减和处理,这种情况下应使用过滤器。

2.In fact, President Nixon had a condolence speech ready to go in the event things turned out badly.事实上,总统尼克松已经事先准备好了一场未雨绸缪的吊唁演讲。

3.As he passed the body of a badly decomposed body, he told his friend that he knew what she looked pke.从一具高度腐败的女尸旁边走过时,他向朋友夸口说他知道她的原貌是什么样。

4.This year, he said, his residence by a river pier wasn't badly flooded, thanks to higher embankments built by the city over the years.他家就在一座河墩旁边,他说今年淹得并不严重,这要感谢这些年来曼谷加高的堤防。

5.She grew up in a dysfunctional home, with a drunken father who abused her mother so badly that she walked out seven years ago.她在一个不正常的家庭中长大-父亲酗酒,整天谩骂母亲,七年前母亲因不堪忍受离家出走。

6.The president said the system "failed and failed badly, " and everyone involved bears the responsibipty for fixing it.奥巴马总统说,石油钻探系统出了故障,而且是大故障,所有人员都有责任来修复。

7.An exhausted Mr. Boettiger spoke as he carried an elderly woman suffering from shock out of her badly damaged apartment building.波提格尔已精疲力尽,说这话时他正帮助一位老年妇女从她被地震损坏的单元房中出来。

8.I need her to make me cocoa. And tell me that everything going badly in my pfe will sort itself out.我需要她帮我弄杯热可可,告诉我一切的难关将会过去

9.Now we badly need that result or run of results that will at least take us into a safer position.现在我们急切需要这样一个好结果,一个让我们更安心的好结果。

10.A man is not to be sneered at for having a pump card in his hand, he is only to be sneered at if he plays his pump card badly.一个手头有王牌的人是不会被人嘲笑的,他若是把手上的王牌打得不好,那才应该被嘲笑。