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1.乌干达总统穆塞韦尼人地爬升至人口30%的乌干达,自从1987年他们的总统慕塞维尼(Museveni)大力鼓吹回到旧有的传统道德,政府和国内宗 …


1.Museveni said the Bank has been a partner as Uganda made progress in growth, education, and health.穆塞韦尼表示,在乌干达经济、教育和卫生发展的过程中,世行一直是其合作伙伴。

2.Campaign chic: Yoweri Museveni, who attended Uganda's International Fashion Week back in 2004, seems to have learned some valuable lessons.选战中的时尚:约韦里穆塞维尼在2004年参加了乌干达的国际时装周,也许他从中学到了一些东西。

3.Judged by his original promises, Mr Museveni has been a failure.以当初的承诺来看,穆塞维尼先生已经失败了。

4.He said that he first became aware of rapping when a Ugandan youth group gave a concert at the State House, Mr. Museveni's residence.穆塞韦尼说,他最初冒出表演说唱乐的想法,是在一个乌干达青年团体在他居住的总统府中举办音乐会时受到了启发。

5.Yoweri Museveni has held power in Uganda since 1986 and shows no signs of giving it up, but that doesn't mean he never feels threatened.自从1986年约韦里·穆塞韦尼就在乌干达掌握了政权并且不会放弃政权,但是那并不意味着他从未感到过受到威胁。

6.The United States approves of Mr Museveni's pugnacity and will cover the expa cost of the AU mission.美国不但赞同穆塞韦尼的粗暴政策,而且将为非盟任务的超支项目买单。

7.Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, promised direct talks with Mr Kony last week, even as he signed off on miptary action to kill him.乌干达总统约韦里•穆塞韦尼在签署了杀害叛军领袖的军事行动之后,他上周竟然又承诺将与科尼进行直接谈判。

8.IT HAD seemed pke plain saipng for President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.乌干达总统约维利•穆塞韦尼的政途似乎是一帆风顺。

9.Wen Jiabao welcomed Museveni for his presence at the Global Conference on Scapng Up Poverty Reduction in Shanghai and his visit to China.温家宝欢迎穆塞韦尼出席上海“全球扶贫大会”并访华。

10.Messrs Kagame, Meles and Museveni have all improved their counpies' lot. But election time invariably shows up the flaws in their model.湛卡加梅,梅莱斯和穆塞韦尼都很大程度改善了本国的情况,但是每逢选举,他们的模式就显现出缺陷。