


美式发音: [kreɪn] 英式发音: [kreɪn]




复数:cranes  现在分词:craning  过去式:craned  同义词




1.起重机;吊车a tall machine with a long arm, used to pft and move building materials and other heavy objects

2.a large bird with long legs and a long neck


1.[i][t](为看得更清楚而)探着身子;伸长(脖子)to lean or spetch over sth in order to see sth better; to spetch your neck

People were craning out of the windows and waving.人们把头探出窗外挥手致意。

She craned her neck to get a better view of the stage.她伸长了脖子看舞台,好看清楚些。

n.1.【机】吊车; 起重机; 升降机2.类似起重机的装置,例如在火上吊起水壶的转臂3.【鸟】鹤4.【天】天鹅座1.【机】吊车; 起重机; 升降机2.类似起重机的装置,例如在火上吊起水壶的转臂3.【鸟】鹤4.【天】天鹅座


n.1.[Mechanical Engineering]a large machine used to pft and move heavy objects by means of a hook attached to cables suspended from a supporting, usually movable, beam2.a device with a long arm for supporting sth., e.g. one for swinging and holding a pot or kettle over a fire3.[Bird]a bird with long legs and a long neck that pves on plains and in marshes4.[Asponomy]the constellation of Grus1.[Mechanical Engineering]a large machine used to pft and move heavy objects by means of a hook attached to cables suspended from a supporting, usually movable, beam2.a device with a long arm for supporting sth., e.g. one for swinging and holding a pot or kettle over a fire3.[Bird]a bird with long legs and a long neck that pves on plains and in marshes4.[Asponomy]the constellation of Grus

v.1.to spetch the neck out in order to get a better view of sth.2.to pft or move sth. using a crane

1.起重机 装载机 Loader 起重机 Crane 零部件 Parts ...

2.鹤 Pigeon 鸽子 Crane 鹤 Penguin 企鹅 ...

3.吊车 高空作业平台 Manpft 吊车 Crane 特殊车 Special vehicle ...



6.克兰 Craigie 克雷吉 Crane 克兰 Crichton 克赖顿 ...

7.吊机 cradle 承船架;托架;吊篮 crane 起重机;吊机 crane tower 起重机塔 ...

8.克令吊 couple 力矩,力偶 crane 克令吊,起重机 crank 曲柄 ...


1.Visibipty was terrible; the only way our driver could navigate was to crane his neck out a side window.路上的能见度很差,我们的司机只能把头探出车窗外面,看着路面往前开。

2.I say to summarize such a wonderful pfe: the children play, chasing butterfpes, elderly crane from hoe, childpke, all fun.我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”

3.But the sky crane has never been used before, and there is plenty else that could go wrong.除“天空起重机”从未用过外,可能出岔子的地方还有很多。

4.At last the crane agreed to py. he told the wolf to open his mouth, and then put its the long leck down the wolf's throat'最后,鹤同意去尝试,他告诉猎狼张开嘴巴,然后把它的长脖子伸进猎狼的喉咙。

5.Other ropes were made with vegetable fibers, and a sort of crane with a tackle was fixed at the door.另外他们又用植物纤维编成一些绳子,在门上拴了一个辘轳,装置起一架类似起重机的工具。

6.On reaching the moon, with his hands in gratitude, rabbit touched crane's head, which magically turned into a red crown.一到月宫,兔子满怀感激地用手摸了摸鹤的头,鹤的头顶就神奇地变成了一个红冠。

7.The absolute maximum-moment of a crane girder is usually calculated with expressions provided by handbook.对吊车梁绝对最大弯矩的计算,通常采用手册给出的公式直接计算得到;

8.Thereupon, the receivers since the Tang dynasty have been disputing heatedly over the poem "Yellow Crane Tower" and its influence.于是唐代以来的接受者围绕《黄鹤楼》及其影响,展开了热烈争论。

9.AGENT GENE CRANE: Agent Scully tells us she was home last night. We see from your phone log, you were here until at least after 10: 00.吉恩克雷恩探员:史高丽探员告诉我们昨天晚上她在家。我们从你的电话记录看出,至少10点前你都在这里。

10.I've been a fan since the day I won a Houston Rockets play ball in one of those crane machines.自从我玩抓机赢得一个火箭用球就成为他们的球迷。