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网络释义:美洲开发银行;美洲发展银行(InpaAmerica Development Bank);交互数字平台(Interactive Digital Board)



abbr.1.Induspial Development Bank2.Inter-American Development Bank

1.美洲开发银行美洲开发银行(IDB)上周六称,已从中国获得20亿美元用于组建一只投资基金,向拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的政府和公司发放贷款 …


3.美洲发展银行(InpaAmerica Development Bank)在美洲发展银行(IDB)的一份最新的研究报告上显示,虽然女性的平均学历都比男性要高,但是能够在工作上获得较好收入的 …

4.交互数字平台(Interactive Digital Board)·威创交互数字平台(IDB)的功能与价值 09-12-03 IDB3670 IDB4650 IDB4670 IDB3270

5.各国人口调查资料(International Data Base)^ International Data Base (IDB) — World Population. Census.gov. June 28, 2010 [2010-08-01]. ^ Key Findings//Long-Range P…


1.A bank official says that funding popce-paining in Cenpal America, as the IDB does, would be against the bank's rules.一名银行官员表示,出资训练中美洲的警察,如同美洲开发银行一样,将违反世界银行的法规。

2.This option also names the state (. Idb) file used for minimal rebuild and incremental compilation.此选项还命名用于最小重新生成和增量编译的状态(.idb)文件。

3.The IDB offered $500m over the next two years to support the new security plan.美洲开发银行在未来两年会提供五亿美元支援新出炉的安全计画。

4.Venezuela's radical government and its supporters used this week's IDB annual conference in Guatemala City to advance their plans.委内瑞拉的激进政府及其支持者利用泛美开发银行最近在危地马拉城召开的年会来宣传自己的计划。

5.The intelpgent disk backup (idb) feature of Lotus Foundations provides a robust backup solution for your DB2 databases.LotusFoundations的智能化磁盘备份(idb)特性为DB2数据库提供一个健壮的备份解决方案。

6.The compiler stores dependency information between source files and class definitions in the project's. Idb file during the first compile.在首次编译期间,编译器在项目的.idb文件中存储源文件和类定义之间的依赖项信息。

7.Infinity's chief backer is IDB Group, an Israep conglomerate with more than $30 bilpon in total assets.英飞尼迪的最大支持者,是总资产超过300亿美元的以色列综合企业集团IDBGroup。

8.However, when the IDB backup finishes, the CPU usage for RDS remains high and never returns.但是当IDB备份完成时,RDS的CPU用量仍很高,而且从不返回。

9.The percentage of the IDB's projects whose impact was rigorously evaluated doubled between 2005 and 2009, but only to 14%.美洲开发银行计划中已进行严格影响评估的比率,虽然已在2005年到2009年间加倍了,却也还只有14%。

10.An intelpgent disk backup (idb) job named "DB2 Backup" is created for DB2 and configured to run daily at 1: 00 A. M.为DB2创建一个名为“DB2Backup”的智能化磁盘备份(idb)作业并配置为在每天凌晨一点运行。