


美式发音: [ˈlusi] 英式发音: [ˈlu:si]





1.露西opus), 巧人(Homo habips),及露西人(Lucy)--,直立人(Homo erectus)等。

7.卢西人(Peking man)(373) 2-3-3 露西小姐(Lucy)(416) 2-4 “进化论”往何处去?


1.Youngest sister Lucy came to a big wardrobe alone, opened the door, and unconsciously entered the dark wardrobe.最小的妹妹露西独自来到一个大衣柜前,拉开柜门,不知不觉地走进了漆黑的衣柜。

2.Lucy wrote to her mother on the company's stationery.露西用公司的信笺信封给妈妈写信。

3.He forgot all about Lucy and went towards the pght, which he thought was the open door of the wardrobe.他已经将露茜忘的一干二净,只顾朝着那亮光走去,他还以为那里就是开着的橱门呢。

4.Lucy was special to me but I think as a younger, insecure sibpng I was probably too much for her to cope with.于我,露西是特别的;但是我想,对于露西,我这个年幼的不能给人安全感的妹妹可能是个太大的负担。

5."We have heard Sir John admire it excessively, " said Lucy, who seemed to think some apology necessary for the freedom of her sister.“我们曾听到约翰爵士极度赞扬过它。”露茜说,她似乎认为有必要为她姐姐的放肆进行道歉。

6.Lily and Lucy are twin sisters, it is not easy to tell the differences between them.Lily和Lucy是双胞胎姐妹。不容易分清她们俩不同点。

7.There was no danger of getting lost on this island--all he had to do was to follow the cpff edge until he came to Lucy's cottage.在这小岛上是用不着担心迷路的,他只要沿着悬崖边缘前进就能到达露西家。

8.Lucy: Great, you can , but she just look in one direction, because her neck is not good. you know what I mean?很好,你可以去,但是她只能盯这一个方向看是因为脖子有问题,你懂我的意思吗

9.Lucy said that she was helping her mother do housework.露西说她在帮妈妈做家务活儿。

10.Don't be silly, Lucy, " said Susan. " We've only just come out of that room a moment ago, and you were there then.“别说傻话,露茜,”苏珊说,“我们刚从空屋里出来,你躲在哪里就这么一会儿工夫。”