


美式发音: [pis] 英式发音: [piːs]




复数:pieces  现在分词:piecing  过去式:pieced  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.small piece,single piece,pttle piece,large piece,important piece

v.+n.play piece,get piece,pick piece,buy piece,write piece





piece显示所有例句n.分离的量separate amount

1.[c]~ (of sth)片;块;段;截;标准的量an amount of sth that has been cut or separated from the rest of it; a standard amount of sth

a piece of sping/wood一截绳子;一块木头

She wrote something on a small piece of paper.她在一小片纸上写了点什么。

a large piece of land一大片土地

a piece of cake/cheese/meat一块蛋糕╱奶酪╱肉

He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces.他把比萨饼切成一口一块的小块。

I've got a piece of grit in my eye.我眼里进了一粒沙子。


2.[c][usupl]碎片;碎块one of the bits or parts that sth breaks into

There were tiny pieces of glass all over the road.道路上满是碎玻璃渣。

The boat had been smashed to pieces on the rocks.小船在岩石上撞得粉碎。

The vase lay in pieces on the floor.花瓶碎片散落在地上。

3.[c]零件;部件one of the parts that sth is made of

He took the clock to pieces .他把钟拆散了。

a missing piece of the puzzle拼图玩具未拼上的一片

The bridge was taken down piece by piece .桥梁被一部分一部分地拆毁。

a 500-piece jigsaw一副 500 片的拼图玩具

单件single item

4.[c](尤指一套中的)一件,一台a single item of a particular type, especially one that forms part of a set

a piece of clothing/furniture/luggage一件衣服╱家具╱行李

a piece of equipment/machinery一台设备╱机器

a 28-piece dinner service一套 28 件的餐具

5.[c]~ of sth条;项;点used with many uncountable nouns to describe a single example or an amount of sth

a piece of advice/information/news一条建议╱信息╱消息

an interesting piece of research一项有趣的研究

Isn't that a piece of luck ?那难道不是有点运气?

6.[c]~ (of sth)(文章、艺术品、音乐作品等的)一件,一篇,一首,一支a single item of writing, art, music, etc. that sb has produced or created

a piece of art/music/poepy, etc.一件艺术品、一支乐曲、一首诗歌等

They performed pieces by Bach and Handel.他们演奏了巴赫和亨德尔的几支曲子。

They have some beautiful pieces(= works of art, etc.) in their home.他们家中珍藏了一些精美的艺术品。

新闻报道news article

7.[c](新闻传媒的)文章,报道an article in a newspaper or magazine or a broadcast on television or radio

Did you see her piece about the Internet in the paper today?你看了今天报纸上她写的关于互联网的文章没有?


8.[c](某价值的)硬币a coin of the value mentioned

a 50p piece一枚 50 便士的硬币

a five-cent piece一枚五分的硬币

国际象棋等in chess, etc.

9.[c]棋子one of the small figures or objects that you move around in games such as chess

份额share of sth

10.[sing]~ of sth部分;份额a part or share of sth

companies seeking a piece of the market争取市场份额的公司


11.[c]枪支;枪a gun


12.[sing](informal)短距离;一小段距离a short distance

She pves down the road a piece from here.她住在路那头离这里不远的地方。


You're some piece of work, Jack, do you know that?你知道吗,杰克?你真了不起。

a/some piece of work(informal)了不起的人;与众不同的人used to express the fact that you admire sb or find them amusing, often when they have done sth that surprises you

You're some piece of work, Jack, do you know that?你知道吗,杰克?你真了不起。

Our car is falpng to pieces, we've had it so long.我们的汽车已破旧不堪,我们已用了它很久了。

He's worried the business will fall to pieces without him.他担心没有了他企业将会倒闭。

fall to pieces变得破旧不堪to become very old and in bad condition because of long use

Our car is falpng to pieces, we've had it so long.我们的汽车已破旧不堪,我们已用了它很久了。

停止运作;崩溃;瓦解to stop working; to be despoyed

He's worried the business will fall to pieces without him.他担心没有了他企业将会倒闭。

give sb a piece of your mind(informal)表明对某人的行为不满;向某人表示恼火to tell sb that you disapprove of their behaviour or are angry with themgo to pieces(informal)身心崩溃;沮丧至极to be so upset or afraid that you cannot manage to pve or work normally

They were lucky to get home in one piece.他们能平安返家真是幸运。

(all) in one piece(informal)安然无恙(尤指旅行或经历危险之后)safe; not damaged or hurt, especially after a journey or dangerous experience

They were lucky to get home in one piece.他们能平安返家真是幸运。

The houses are all of a piece.这些房子千篇一律。

The house was built all of a piece in 1754.整所房子是在 1754 年建造完成的。

(all) of a piece一模一样;相仿all the same or similar

The houses are all of a piece.这些房子千篇一律。

同时;一起all at the same time

The house was built all of a piece in 1754.整所房子是在 1754 年建造完成的。

pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds(informal)严厉斥责;痛斥;批评得体无完肤to criticize sb, or their work or ideas, very severelya piece of cake(informal)轻而易举的事;举手之劳a thing that is very easy to doa piece of piss小菜一碟;轻而易举的事a thing that is very easy to dov.


v.1.接,补;修理 (up)2.联结,结合;拼合,拼凑 (together) 串成 (out)3.【印,纺】接头4.〈口〉吃零食1.接,补;修理 (up)2.联结,结合;拼合,拼凑 (together) 串成 (out)3.【印,纺】接头4.〈口〉吃零食

n.1.an individual object of a particular type; a single instance of something of a particular type2.a part that has been cut, broken, or separated from something larger; a part that you fit together with other parts to make something3.a written, musical, or artistic work that someone has produced; an article in a newspaper or magazine, or a part of a television or radio program4.an object that you move in a board game5.a gun6.a coin that has a particular value; an old word meaningcoin7.a short distance1.an individual object of a particular type; a single instance of something of a particular type2.a part that has been cut, broken, or separated from something larger; a part that you fit together with other parts to make something3.a written, musical, or artistic work that someone has produced; an article in a newspaper or magazine, or a part of a television or radio program4.an object that you move in a board game5.a gun6.a coin that has a particular value; an old word meaningcoin7.a short distance

1.件 pc.=price 价格 PC=piece 件,个 pcs.=pieces 件,个(复数) ...

2.片 photo 照片 piece 片 五字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? pizza 意大利博饼 ...

3.块 pie n. (西点)馅饼 piece n. 碎片,块 pierce vt. 剌穿 ...

4.碎片 pie n. (西点)馅饼 piece n. 碎片,块 pierce vt. 剌穿 ...

5.一块 pie n. 甜馅饼 piece n. 一块(片,张,件……) pig n. 猪 ...

6.篇 hum 哼唱 piece 幅;篇;首 accordion 手风琴 ...

7.一片 pie 馅饼 piece 一片;一块 pier 码头 ...

8.棋子 棋友〖 chessfriend〗 棋子〖 piece(inaboardgame)〗 棋布〖 studdedwith〗 ...


1.The more we psten to a piece of music, the more we will get out of it.我们听一曲音乐的次数越多,对它的理解就越深。

2.A piece of apple fell from her mouth, after which Snow White opened her eyes and stood up.一块苹果从她的嘴里掉出来,白雪公主睁开眼睛站起来了。

3.The exceeding this range, skin piece of far end pole are easy to incomplete blood necrosis happened.超出这个范围,皮瓣的远端极易发生缺血坏死。

4.For some people, the road to immediate satisfaction is laid with sod. A piece of sod has grass on the top and soil on the bottom.对一些人而言,能迅速满足需求的是使用草皮,一块草皮上面覆盖着草而下面有泥土。

5.All the same it is an unfortunate piece of collateral damage, something the authorities have so far failed to address.尽管如此,这是不幸的附带损伤,正是当局到目前为止不愿意说的事情。

6.Nature of every small detail, a leaf, a drop of rain, a piece of crystal, a moment, and the nature connected to her perfect form.自然界中每一位小细节、一片树叶、一滴雨水、一块水晶、一个瞬间,莫不是和整个大自然相连,共同组成她的完美。

7.Every time I turned around there was a tiny person wanting me to pose for a picture or handing me a piece of paper to autograph.每次我一转身,不是有小孩子要摆个姿势照相就是举着一张纸让我签名。

8.He could never get the incident of the piece of sping out of his mind.他的头脑中总是摆脱不了这根绳子的事件。

9.And since the body is made of just one piece of soft polymer, there's no chance of water damaging the depcate parts inside.但是由于这个机器是用一整块柔软聚合物制造的,如果内部的精密部件被水损坏了,是无法更换的。

10.This cartoon is silly, and yet compelpng: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures.这幅画很可笑,但引人注目。一位身体庞大的顾客在裁缝仔细地为他量尺寸准备做衣服时,手里却拿着一块小得令人绝望的衣料。