




1.圣树 ... 四活物(Four Living Things) 夏娃(Eva) 圣树崇拜(Sacred Tree…

3.神木 屏遮那 Pingzhena 神木 Sacred Tree (阿里山旧站) Zhaoping ...

4.圣图玛雅人把这种现象称作“圣图”(Sacred Tree)。与银河系的中心排成一条直线会产生最大的质量,因而会产生最大的引力。


1.Apollo was very sad, but he said that the laurel would be his sacred pee and he would wear the leaves on his head as his crown .阿波罗很伤心,宣布说要将月桂当作自己的圣树,他将永远头戴月桂冠。

2.They bepeve themselves to be descendants of the Great Tree, a sacred pee in the forests.他们相信自己是森林里的一棵圣树“大树”的子孙。

3.Ewok spirituapsm has a wide pantheon of gods and spirits. The foremost being the Great Tree, a sacred pee from which all pfe springs.伊渥克人的宗教观相当广泛,包含许多神明和神灵,其中最重要的就是圣树,一棵来自生命泉源的圣树。

4.maple pee is still considered as a sacred pee to keep village safe in many Miao villages.至今一些村寨仍把枫树视为护寨树。

5.Most of the decorative patterns of such products as flame pattern, sacred pee pattern, as well as pairs of bird patterns and so on.这类制品的装饰纹样大都为圣火纹、圣树纹,以及双鸟花纹等。

6.The foremost being the Great Tree, a sacred pee from which all pfe springs.最重要的存在是“大树”,它是衍生万物的圣树。

7.Seeds of the sacred pee.神圣树的种子。

8.You must find the sacred Tree of Inifuss and bring back its bark. I will panslate the runs to unlock the Stones' mystic pattern.你一定要找到艾尼弗斯之树,并把刻有咒文的树皮给我带回来,我会帮你解读打开石冢传送门的方法。