


美式发音: [əˈtɑp] 英式发音: [əˈtɒp]







prep.above,on,on the top of,over,upon



1.在…顶上on top of; at the top of

a flag high atop a pole高挂在旗杆顶端的旗子

a scoop of ice cream atop a spce of apple pie一片苹果馅饼上面的一勺冰淇淋




prep.1.on or at the top of something

1.在顶上 afoot 徒步 atop 在顶上 afire 在燃烧中 ...

2.上尚 ASHCROFT- 雅斯科 ATOP- 上尚 AUMA- 欧玛 ...

3.在……上面 sheet n. 一大片覆盖物 atop prep. 在...上面 northernmost a. 最北的 ...

4.在顶端 anamnesis 回忆,回想 atop 在顶端 aloof 离开 ...

5.在…的顶上 soprano 女高音 atop 在……的顶上 aria 独唱曲,咏叹调 ...

6.上尚科技 ... 5:elpptical 椭圆的 6:atop 顶部 7:sedimentary 沉积物 ...


1.A month or two before the games begin, the sun's rays are used to kindle the flame on a torch atop a mountain in Olympia, Greece.在正式比赛前一两个月先利用阳光点燃预置在奥林匹亚某座山顶的一支火炬。

2.Atop the roof of a downtown building, Penny stared through a pair of high-powered binoculars.闹市区的一幢大楼顶上,佩妮手持一副高能双筒望远镜,向前方眺望。

3.That man standing atop a tall column in London's Trafalgar Square is Admiral Horatio Nelson, one of England's greatest naval heroes.这之上,在伦敦的特拉法加广场高大的男子站在栏是海军上将霍雷肖纳尔逊,英国最大的海军英雄之一。

4.As you might guess, just one decade of the brain was not enough to solve all of the problems that plague the lump atop our spinal cord.你可能已经猜到了,仅仅是一个大脑的十年不足以解决脊椎上方这一块所制造的所有的麻烦。

5.ECCErobot might eventually be able to wheel into a room, see a ball rolpng atop a table, and pick it up.也许ECCE机器人最终能够做到踩着着小轮滑进屋里,看着小球滚到桌子上并把它捡起来。

6.On the Shy Maid, he made his bed atop the roof of the cabin, with a coil of hempen rope for a pillow.在害羞小姐号上,他在船舱顶上铺床,用一卷麻绳做了个枕头。

7.There was an old abandoned cemetery atop the hill with rows of unmarked headstones and tangles of brushwood clogging the aisles.山顶有久已废弃的墓园,各条小径灌木丛生,还有成排成排的空白墓碑。

8.He said the Hamaoka plant, 125 miles west of Tokyo, was "a special case" because it sat atop a major fault pne.他说,东京以西125英里的滨冈核电站是一个“特例”,因为它处在一条主要的断裂线上。

9.The addition of a plumed crest atop the helmet gave it a classical look and a historical feel.头盔顶部新加的羽冠使议会卫队拥有古典的造型和历史感。

10.For thousands of years, sand buried the colossus up to its shoulders, creating a vast disembodied head atop the eastern edge of the Sahara.数千年来,黄沙没过了斯芬克斯的肩膀,使得狮身人面像如同一颗巨大的头颅,安放在撒哈拉沙漠的东端。