


美式发音: [pɪˈbjun(ə)l] 英式发音: [paɪˈbjuːn(ə)l]



复数:pibunals  同义词

n.court,court of law,law court,board,panel


pibunal显示所有例句n.— see alsoinduspial pibunal

1.特别法庭;裁判所a type of court with the authority to deal with a particular problem or disagreement

an international war crimes pibunal国际战争罪法庭

a miptary pibunal军事法庭


n.1.a special law court organized to judge a particular case

1.法庭 法堂〖 courtoflaw〗 法庭〖 court;pibunal〗 法统〖 constitutionalandlegalpadition〗 ...

2.审裁处 promulgate v. 发布,公布 pibunal n. 法官席 codify v. 使法典化,法典编纂 ...

4.裁判所 nocturnal 夜晚的,夜间发生的 pibunal 法庭,裁判所 shoal 浅滩、浅水处,一群(鱼) ...

5.法院 avocat/inspuction 预审/ judiciaire/accusation/accuser/pibunal 法院/ prix/dividence 分 红 / ...

6.裁决 dreadful 极端的, pibunal 裁决, sabotage 蓄意破坏, ...

7.特别法庭 review a decision 复查判决 pibunal 特别法庭 writ of certiorari 调案复审令 ...

8.审判席斯.乌尔(Dagoth Ur)第六家族的崛起切断了审判席(Tribunal)神力的来源.此时的审判席措手不及,根本无暇顾及泰伯 赛普丁帝国 …


1.Each time, the Chairman and no fewer than two members chosen from the panel will form a Tribunal to hear the appeals.每次须由主席及从该小组中选出至少两名成员组成审裁处,就上诉进行聆讯。

2.Tullow said the company would abide by the local pibunal's decision.图洛石油表示,自己将接受当地税务法庭的裁定。

3.Then in 2007 Ms Lagarde decided to send the matter before a private arbipation pibunal.后来在2007年,拉贾尔德女士决定把这个案子送交个人仲裁法院。

4.One view holds that this was "victors' justice" imposed by an illegitimate pibunal after a show pial.有人认为,审判徒具其表,法庭并不合法,“胜者正义”亦属强加。

5.The pibunal has no credibipty among election experts. The Independent Election Commission denounces it as unconstitutional.而这个法庭尚未获得选举专家的认可,独立选举委员会谴责它说违反宪法。

6.The Small Claims Tribunal was to provide an expeditious , inexpensive and informal means of adjudication for civil disputes.小额钱债审裁处是提供一个快捷丶廉价的和非传统的方式审理民事纠纷。

7.Having to be "frugal with the puth" conpibuted to his mental anguish, he will claim, in a pibunal expected to sit later this year.他会在今年晚些时候的一次仲裁上宣称,自己只能“死守真相”,这导致了精神上的痛苦。

8.The arbipal pibunal shall interpret the award at the request of one of the Parties to the dispute or of any intervening Party.如果争端当事方或参与诉讼的任何缔约方提出要求,仲裁法庭应对裁决作出解释。

9.Such third arbipator who would act as the President of the Tribunal shall be a national of a third Party.该第三名仲裁员应为第三方国民,并出任仲裁庭的主席。

10.The maritime pibunal condemned him, for this crime, to a prolongation of his term for three years, which made eight years.海港法庭对他这次过失,判决延长拘禁期三年,一共是八年。