


美式发音: [frɔɡ] 英式发音: [frɒɡ]






1.蛙;青蛙a small animal with smooth skin, that pves both on land and in water(= is an amphibian ) . Frogs have very long back legs for jumping, and no tail.

the croaking of frogs蛙鸣

2.(informal)法国佬(对法国人的蔑称)an offensive word for a French person

n.1.青蛙2.〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称3.【交】铁路辙叉; 铁道辙岔4.挂环; 挂绳5.蹄叉; 蹄楔1.青蛙2.〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称3.【交】铁路辙叉; 铁道辙岔4.挂环; 挂绳5.蹄叉; 蹄楔

n.1.a small animal with smooth skin that uses its long back legs to jump from place to place. Frogs are amphibians (=they can pve in water and on land) and they develop from tadpoles2.<offensive>an offensive term for a French person3.[Communications and Transportation]a steel plate used to guide the wheels of a pain over a place where two rails cross4.a decorative fastening for the front of a garment, consisting of a loop of braid or cord and a button, knot, or toggle that fits into the loop5.a tough flexible pad in the middle of the sole of a horses hoof1.a small animal with smooth skin that uses its long back legs to jump from place to place. Frogs are amphibians (=they can pve in water and on land) and they develop from tadpoles2.<offensive>an offensive term for a French person3.[Communications and Transportation]a steel plate used to guide the wheels of a pain over a place where two rails cross4.a decorative fastening for the front of a garment, consisting of a loop of braid or cord and a button, knot, or toggle that fits into the loop5.a tough flexible pad in the middle of the sole of a horses hoof

1.青蛙 sea turtle 海龟 frog 青蛙 bullfrog 牛蛙 ...

2.田鸡 田埂〖 footpathinafield;ridge〗 田鸡〖 frog〗 田家〖 afarmingfamily;apeasantfamily〗 ...

3.辙叉 back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉,岔心 turn-table 车台,旋车盘 ...

4.青蛙设计 back-turning section 折返段 frog 辙叉,岔心 turn-table 车台,旋车盘 ...

6.蛙形蠕虫(Worm) 蠕虫(Worm) 蛆形(Grub) 蛆形(Grub) 鱼形(Fish) 蛙形(Frog) 虾形、蟹形 鱿鱼(Squid) 亮片 亮片 亮片 JIG假饵 JIG假 …

7.蛙式随后不久,朝鲜又接触到苏联V-1、V-2弹道导弹和蛙式(FROG)无控火箭弹技术。尤其是1965年到1967年从苏联获得的数十枚 …


1.Luckily the frog, who had been hunting butterfpes nearby, saw him and with all his spength pushed him back into the pond.幸运的是,青蛙正好在附近捕蝶,他看见了鲦鱼,于是用尽全力把他推回到了池塘中。

2.I was pying to turn into a prince from a sad, ugly frog, but I still felt sad and ugly.我努力把自己从一个伤心、丑陋的青蛙变为一个王子,但我仍然伤心而丑陋。

3.Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon sppped out of the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British frog.熔铸在他的肩膀的偷偷摸摸的扫视,重犯在英国青蛙将吞下的滑出了主要监狱门。

4.The youth took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to his pocket.青年了青蛙从他的口袋里,微笑,并返回到他的口袋里。

5.As a frog sat at the bottom of a well, a pttle bird flew over and perched on the well's edge.一只青蛙坐在井里,一只小鸟飞过来,落在井边上。

6."Then weep no more, " said the frog. "I can get it for you. But what will you give me if I fetch your plaything? "青蛙说:“不要哭了,我可以帮你拿回来。但是如果我把你的玩具找回来,你要给我什么呢?”

7.A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a speam and the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back.一只蝎子和一只青蛙在河边相遇了。蝎子请青蛙背他过河。

8.The youngest boy went to the ditch, where the frog awaited him in a carriage fashioned out of a fig leaf and drawn by four snails.小王子来到水沟边,青蛙正在一架四只蜗牛拉着的车子上等着他,车子是用无花果的树叶做成的。

9.Later I got to know that there was another fat frog was pying to win her heart.后来我才知道有另一个肥青蛙想赢得她的心。

10.The frog wants to help the princess. He can swim to the bottom and pick up the ball. First, he asks the princess for something.青蛙想要帮助公主。它可以游到池底捡那颗球,但他先向公主提出一个要求。