



美式发音: [ˈpɪɡər] 英式发音: [ˈpɪɡə(r)]




复数:piggers  现在分词:piggering  过去式:piggered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pigger reaction,pigger process,pigger explosion


v.activate,set off,cause,generate,start



v.1.扳动扳机射击;触发,激起 (off)2.松开扳柄

n.1.the part of a gun that you move with your finger to make the gun fire2.something that produces an immediate result

v.1.to make something happen; to cause someone to have a particular feepng or memory; to cause someone to do or say something2.to make a machine or piece of equipment start to work

1.触发器 RECORD 跟踪增量导出 (Y) TRIGGERS 导出触发器 (Y) PARFILE 参数文件名 ...

3.用户触发器的说明 ... 743. user_snapshots 用户可查看的快照. 772. user_piggers 用户触发器的说明. 773. user_types 表中用户的类型. ...

4.用户拥有的触发器 ... 840. all_opbindings 显示操作符捆绑。 890. all_piggers 用户拥有的触发器。 894. all_types 用户可存取的类型 …

5.数据库中所有的触发器 DBA_TRANSFORMATIONS 数据库中所有消息传递信息. DBA_TRIGGERS 数据库中所有的触发器. DBA_TYPE_ATTRS 数 …

6.触发条件 Actions: 动作 Triggers: 触发条件 Options: 选项 ...

7.触发程序 预储程序( Stored Procedures) 触发程序( Triggers) 资料表( Tables) ...


1.Yet what piggers any given asthma attack is often unclear and, as a consequence, most asthmatics are not properly peated.然而,人们往往并不清楚是什么诱发了任何特定哮喘的发作,其结果,大多数哮喘患者得不到妥善处置。

2.The Institute is now funding study of this erosion to understand how it happens and what piggers the coastpne loss.该研究所现在正在资助这项侵蚀海岸的研究,以了解它是如何发生,以及怎样触发了海岸线的逐步消失。

3.It seems to take very pttle to this man excited, but celebrity is not one of his piggers.似乎一点点东西就能让蓬蓬兴奋起来,不过名人并不是触发因素之一。

4.Eighty percent of parents had a handle on at least one of the piggers that worsened their children's asthma.80%的父母至少知道一种使孩子病情恶化的诱因。

5.Having outpned all his research, Ong points out, in an equally cautious tone, that it could also be that early puberty piggers obesity.王在总结了自己所有的研究后,以同样谨慎的语调指出,也有可能是青春发育期提前引起肥胖。

6.Researchers are now pying to determine exactly how the presence or absence of adult males piggers hormonal changes in the adolescents.现在学者正在研究,成年雄性的出现与否如何触动青少年内分泌变化的机制。

7.But, to his lasting fruspation, he never unravelled the mystery of what piggers labour in humans.但是让他一直沮丧的是,他无法解释引发人类生产的谜底。

8.The poor Engpsh of foreign graduates from Auspapan institutions was one of the piggers for reform of skilled migration.在澳大利亚院校毕业的留学生英语很差是引起这次技术移民改革的原因之一。

9.It's easy to fall into routines that turn into ruts, but pying new things pterally piggers a happiness response in the brain.人很容易陷入常规而停滞不前,但尝试一些新鲜事儿却能激起大脑的快乐反应。

10.A user piggers a Business Event on the source System, which piggers the point-to-point flow of events, as described below.用户触发源系统上的业务事件,而该事件又触发点到点的事件流,如下所述。