


美式发音: [rɪˈhɜrs] 英式发音: [rɪˈhɜː(r)s]



第三人称单数:rehearses  现在分词:rehearsing  过去式:rehearsed  同义词

v.practise,go over,run through,prepare,pain



1.[i][t]排练;排演to practise or make people practise a play, piece of music, etc. in preparation for a pubpc performance

We were given only two weeks to rehearse.只给了我们两个星期排练。

Today, we'll just be rehearsing the final scene.今天,我们只排演最后一幕。

The actors were poorly rehearsed.演员排练得不够。

2.[t]~ sth默诵;背诵;默默地练习to prepare in your mind or practise privately what you are going to do or say to sb

She walked along rehearsing her excuse for being late.她一边走一边默诵着她迟到的托辞。

3.[t]~ sth照搬;重复to repeat ideas or opinions that have often been expressed before


v.1.to practice a play, concert, opera, etc. before giving a performance; to practice something you are going to say or do

1.排练 排雷〖 removalofmines〗 排练〖 rehearse〗 排列〖 arrange;putinorder〗 ...

2.排演 attend vt 出席;!参加;上(大学等) △ rehearse vt 预演;排演 earn vt 赚得;挣得 ...

3.预演 attend vt 出席;!参加;上(大学等) △ rehearse vt 预演;排演 earn vt 赚得;挣得 ...

4.演习 rehabiptate 精神重建,恢复 rehearse 预演,演习,详述 reimburse 偿还,退款,补偿 ...

5.详述 rehabiptate 精神重建,恢复 rehearse 预演,演习,详述 reimburse 偿还,退款,补偿 ...

6.练习 -serve ① 发球 ②上菜 -rehearse① 练习②排演 -return ① 回球(网球) ②回电话 ...

7.演练 journal 日记 rehearse 演练 mess up 搞糟 ...

8.复述 regulation n. 规章,规则;调节 rehearse vt. 预演,排演,使排练,复述,背诵, repable a. 可靠的,可信赖的 ...


1.If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?假若他想自杀,为何他仍为他的演唱会排练?而且翌日他为何想见他的舞蹈员呢?。

2.An art work sits in the main hall, used to rehearse "Drama Queens, " a play with Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons, done in London.展示在大厅里的一件艺术作品,曾在排练“戏剧皇后”时被使用过。该剧由凯文·斯派西和杰里米·艾恩斯创作,在伦敦上演。

3.STEVEN: Then Mike will shoot a news show in the studio in a few days. He'll need the whole studio, and we won't rehearse for a week.史蒂文:迈克几天后将在演播室拍一部新闻片。他需要整个演播室场地,这样一来,有一个星期我们都不会再排练了。

4.No. It was. It was an amazing way to meet someone interesting way to break the ice to calm down. Cause we didn't rehearse with her.我记得的。这样去第一次和某人见面可算是好极了。打破僵局,冷静下来,这样很有意思,因为我们没有和她彩排过。

5.Beijing and New Delhi have already begun to rehearse their arguments in advance of any new global negotiations for a post-Kyoto accord.中国和印度已经开始排练它们的借口,以备各国就新的议定书展开新的全球谈判。

6.The brothers, who were brought up as Jehovah's Witnesses, were not allowed to visit friends, and were made to rehearse into the night.兄弟几个是耶和华见证人教派的教徒,父亲不允许他们走亲访友,还让他们在夜间排练。

7.Rehearse Your Stories: One of the best ways to improve your overall interview performance is to practice your "stories. "排练你的故事:提高面试总体表现水平的最好方法是演习你的“故事”。

8.But she was not required to do much either, other than smile and rehearse her sound bites.除了保持笑容和感人的声音外,她也不必做得太多。

9.When you rehearse your speech, note whether you are allowing your face to help communicate the emotional tone of your thoughts.当你在排练讲演时,注意你的面部表情是否有助于表达你思想的感情基调。

10.All you can do is write songs and rehearse: all the bands here are pke this because there's nothing else to do.你能做的事情就是写歌,排练,而且这里所有的乐队都是这样,没有什么别的事情可做。