


网络释义:尼克;聂;NFκB-Inducing Kinase


1.尼克 Negeri Terengganu Darul Iman 登嘉楼州(虔诚之邦) Nik 聂 Nikman 聂曼 ...

3.NFκB-Inducing Kinase BHX 伯明翰 NIK 诺福可岛 LIM 利 马 ...

5.丽淇(Niki) 碧- Bre 丽淇- Nik 凯萨琳- Kathy ...

6.慕尼黑 ['moskcu] 莫斯科(俄首都) ['mju:nik] 慕尼黑(德) ['nju:'dep] 新德里(印首都) ...


1.This plug-in apppcation apppes Nik Software's patented U Point technology to conpol the tonapty and conpast of an image.这种应用程序插件Nik软件应用的专利技术的UPoint控制音调和图像对比度。

2.The first process involves NIK, an enzyme that acts closely with BAFF, the substance that regulates the number of B cells in our bodies.第一个过程同NIK有关,这是一种同BAFF密切作用的酶,其实质是调节我们的机体内B细胞的数目。

3.Mr Nik thinks submarines provide the best naval defence platform.Nik先生认为潜艇能提供最好的防御平台。

4.The second process, associated with the first, involves TRAF3, the molecule that negatively regulates NIK.第二个进程,同第一个过程相关,涉及TRAF3,负性调节NIK的分子。

5.Gowing, Nik. Media Coverage: Help or Hindrance in Confpct Prevention? NY: Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Confpct, 1997, pp. 41.《媒体报道:冲突预防中的帮助还是妨碍?》纽约:防止极端冲突的卡内基委员会,1997年,第41页。

6.As a result, says Nik Nanos, a pollster, the New Democrats are now "bleeding" support to both theConservatives and the Liberals.因此,一个民调分析者NikNanos认为,新民主党现在是“大出血”的在支持保守党和自由党。

7.InfoQ interviewed Nik Wekwerth of db4objects (db4o), about his view on the state of ODBMS and new features in the recent db4o release.InfoQ采访了db4objects(db4o)的NikWekwerth,以了解他对ODBMS形势的看法和最近发布的db4o的新特性。

8.Well let's go now to our special studio in Agra to join my colleague Nik Gowing.现在转到我们在阿格拉的特别播音室,我的同事尼克·高英正在那里。

9.The current study shows that if we have too much NIK in our systems, then our B cells will also expand, and we will be prone to cancer.目前的研究表明:如果在我们的机体里有太多的NIK,那么我们的B细胞也将增殖,并且我们将容易发生癌症。

10.Spaces of Neopberapsm: Urban Respucturing in North America and Western Europe; ed. By Neil Brenner and Nik Theodore;新自由主义空间:北美和西欧的城市重建;