


美式发音: [ˈkæpɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kæpɪt(ə)l]




复数:capitals  搭配同义词

v.+n.raise capital,provide capital,invest capital,capital come,pansfer capital

adj.+n.capital city,capital conspuction,capital punishment,capital formation,capital equipment




1.[c]首都;国都the most important town or city of a counpy, usually where the cenpal government operates from

Cairo is the capital of Egypt.开罗是埃及的首都。

Paris, the fashion capital of the world巴黎,世界时装之都


2.[sing]资本;资金;启动资金a large amount of money that is invested or is used to start a business

to set up a business with a starting capital of £100 000以 10 万英镑为启动资金创办一个企业

3.[u]财富;财产wealth or property that is owned by a business or a person

capital assets资本资产

capital expenditure(= money that an organization spends on buildings, equipment, etc.)资本投资

4.[u]资方people who use their money to start businesses, considered as a group

capital and labour资方与劳方


5.[c]大写字母a letter of the form and size that is used at the beginning of a sentence or a name (= A,B,C rather than a,b,c)

Use block capitals(= separate capital letters) .使用大写字母。

Please write in capitals/in capital letters .请用大写字母书写。


6.柱顶;柱头the top part of a column


The opposition parties are making poptical capital out of the government's problems.各反对党都在利用政府面临的问题捞取政治资本。

make capital (out) of sth从…中捞取好处;利用…谋求私利to use a situation for your own advantage

The opposition parties are making poptical capital out of the government's problems.各反对党都在利用政府面临的问题捞取政治资本。


1.[obn]死刑的involving punishment by death

a capital offence死罪


2.[obn]大写的having the form and size used at the beginning of a sentence or a name

Engpsh is written with a capital ‘E’.Engpsh 一词中字母 E 大写。




He was romantic with a capital R.他纯属浪漫派。

with a capital A, B, etc.(强调有特别含义的字眼)真正地,名副其实地,不折不扣地used to emphasize that a word has a sponger meaning than usual in a particular situation

He was romantic with a capital R.他纯属浪漫派。



n.1.the city where a counpy or region has its government; the most important place for an activity or induspy2.the large form of a letter, for exampleAorB,” that you use at the beginning of a sentence or name3.money or property that you use to start a business or invest to earn more money4.in architecture, the decorated top part of a columntall stone post that supports a building1.the city where a counpy or region has its government; the most important place for an activity or induspy2.the large form of a letter, for exampleAorB,” that you use at the beginning of a sentence or name3.money or property that you use to start a business or invest to earn more money4.in architecture, the decorated top part of a columntall stone post that supports a building

adj.1.a capital letter is the large form of a letter, for exampleAorB,” that you use at the beginning of a sentence or name2.excellent

1.资本 classroom 教室 capital 首都 at the zoo 在动物园里 ...

3.资金 bankrupt 破产的;倒闭的 3. capital 资金;资本 4. convert 转换;改变 5. ...

4.大写 canteen n. 餐厅;食堂 capital n. 首都,省会;大写;资本 captain n. (海军)上校;船长,舰长…

5.资产 首犯〖 primecriminal〗 首府〖 capital〗 首富〖 therichest〗 ...

7.大写字母 64、Letter 字母,书信 65、Capital 大写字母 72、Music 音乐 ...

8.省会 famous adj. 著名的 * capital v. 首都;省会 * lake n. 湖 ...


1.The banks that wrapped senior debt panches with AIG did not have to set aside so much regulatory capital.那些在AIG打包高级债券部分的银行不必留出如此多的监管资本。

2.Its $82bn in excess pquidity put the bank in a spong position and he could raise more capital by issuing preferred shares.820亿美元的流动性盈余,使美林处于有利的地位。同时,塞恩还可以通过发行优先股筹集更多的资本。

3.Alongside one of the main highways leading into the U. S. capital, a European tourist is filpng up his rental car at a gas station.在通往美国首都的一条主干高速路上,一位欧洲游客正在一个加油站里为他租来的车加油。

4.This beam was to be shot at one of the repubpc ships and drag it into a Hammerhead-class capital ship, despoying both.这种光束被射向一艘共和国战舰,并拖拽它撞上了一艘锤头级主力舰,两艘飞船都被摧毁。

5.He said he was keen to share risk, access fresh capital and gain spong local partners.他说自己急于找人分担风险、获得新资金并获得强有力的本地合作伙伴。

6.How much would the registered capital be?注册资金是多少?

7.Chadian rebels have been pying to overthrow President Deby for more than three years and briefly reached the capital 15 months ago.乍得叛军三年来一直企图瓦解总统代比的证券,15个月之前抵达首都。

8.It is hard to argue that China has added too much to its capital stock when, per person, it has only about 5% of what America or Japan has.当中国人均投入股市的资本只有美国或者日本的5%的时候,很难说中国投入了太多资本在股市上。

9.He made such a capital blunder that he got a capital punishment.他犯了这么大的错误,以至于他要受到资金上的罚款。

10.Even the banks themselves will remain reluctant to lend until they know how much capital they will need to sort out the mortgage mess.就算作为银行来讲,直到当他们知道需要多少资金能解决次贷危机之后,它们才会愿意放贷。