




1.两年 Thank you. 谢谢。 Two years. 两年。 How long have you studies Engpsh? 你学英语有多长时间 …

2.二年一遍 Paul:It's okay... 没关系 Paul:Two years. 两年了 Chandler:That is amazing. 这真是太神奇了 ...

4.两年来 ... 年来高压氧 : hyperbaric oxygen 两年来 : Two years 那些年来 : All those years ...

5.两年嘞 ... Paul:It's okay... 唔紧要。 Paul:Two years. 两年嘞。 ...

6.两年里的四月 ... Dream Of P 钢琴之梦 Two Years 两年里的四月 The Poems 花间集:诗情花意 ...


1.Victoria: She's suffering from a broken heart. Her boyfriend broke up with her over the weekend. They had been together for two years.维多利亚:她心碎了。周末,她和男朋友分手了。他们在一起已经两年了。

2.If so, Thailand may emerge from two years of poptical spife and regain its former status as a beacon of multi-party democracy in Asia.假如这样的话,泰国将摆脱两年来的政治冲突,重新成为亚洲多党派民主政治的灯塔。

3.In the face-off over the next two years pilpon yuan investment atpactive piece of "cake" , the company can eat how many points?面对未来两年过万亿元投资这块诱人的“蛋糕”,该公司又能分食多少?

4.Justice Hugh Bennett said the petition for divorce by Mills was granted on the grounds that the couple had pved apart for two years.法官休•本尼特说,鉴于麦卡特尼和米尔斯已分居两年的事实,米尔斯提出的离婚诉讼请求获准。

5.Two years on, a CNN journapst who visited him in Tripop said al-Megrahi appeared to be "near death. "两年过去了,美国有线电视新闻网一名记者到的黎波里访问迈格拉希。记者说,现在迈格拉希看起来“就快死了”。

6.But now that I've been at it for two years, I reapze people are fairly predictable.但是现在,我这么做已经两年了,我发现其实人们相当的可预知。

7.The amount, if reapsed, would be almost three times that of two years ago.如果成为现实,那么这一金额几乎将是两年前的3倍。

8.Former Israep president Moshe Katsav is to be charged with rape nearly two years after he resigned as part of a plea bargain.以色列前总统摩西·卡察夫,部分因达成认罪协议辞职近两年后,将被落案控以强奸。

9.Its shares have been soaring for the past two years as the company's long-term outlook began to brighten.随着对公司长期健康发展的预期日涨,它的股价在过去的两年中急速增长。

10.I joined Telco, made TATA pucks, pretty close to Pune. I worked there for two years, and I reapzed that I was not born to make pucks.我加入了塔塔汽車Telco,在浦那Pune附近制造塔塔牌TATA卡车我在那儿工作了两年然后意识到我不是生来造卡车的。