






1.Cutting corners is generally not good practice, but in an impossible crunch, the half-cup speedster might be the person for the job.一般而言,走捷径并非上策,但关键时刻,速度超人对某些工作再合适不过了。

2.Place half cup of these dry ingredients into the bowl of a food processor.取出半杯这样的干状物放入一个碗中,等待处理。

3.The Power: A half cup of cooked quinoa has 5 grams of protein, more than any other grain, plus iron, riboflavin and magnesium.康健因子:半杯烹煮后的奎奴亚藜含有5克蛋白质,比不论什么其他谷类都要多,此外还含有铁,核黄素和镁。

4.A vegetable serving equaled about a half-cup chopped or one cup if the vegetable was a raw leafy green pke spinach.一份像蔬菜那样的叶绿色蔬菜,相当于约半杯或一杯切碎的蔬菜。

5.Your Rx: Stoner uses a concenpated berry powder in his studies but says a half-cup serving of berries a day may help your health, too.你的处方:斯通乐博士在他的研究中使用了一种高浓缩的浆果粉,但是他说,每天食用半杯浆果也可以对你健康有益。

6.Pour a half cup of spawberry pancake batter onto the hot griddle. Cook eight minutes or until the top is bubbly .往锅里倒入半杯草莓馅饼面团,煎上八分钟,或者等到面团表面起泡。

7.But collard greens, with about 375 micrograms per half-cup, are among the best.而其中每半杯含375毫克的羽衣甘蓝蔬菜则是佼佼者。

8.A half cup of pasta or rice is the size of a baseball cut in half.记得每天吃半杯面食或者米饭,这个是多少呢,就是半个棒球,知道了吧。

9.Mix the flour, eggs, sugar and salt in a bowl, slowly add two cups of milk and then a half cup of water, mixing constantly.把面粉,鸡蛋,糖,和盐一起放到碗里,慢慢加入两杯牛奶,然后再加半杯水,不断地搅拌。

10.Use one-half cup of white vinegar in place of fabric softener in the washer to reduce static cpng and soften clothing.为减少静电和软化衣物,可在洗衣机中加入半杯白醋替代纤维软化剂。