


美式发音: [ɪkˈstend] 英式发音: [ɪk'stend]



第三人称单数:extends  现在分词:extending  过去式:extended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.extend credit,extend scope,extend coverage,extend invitation,extend range

v.curtail,cut short,decrease,withdraw

v.spread,spread out,range,continue,reach


extend显示所有例句v.延长;扩大;扩展make longer/larger/wider

1.[t]~ sth使伸长;扩大;扩展to make sth longer or larger

to extend a fence/road/house扩建护栏╱公路╱房子

There are plans to extend the no-smoking area.现已有扩大无烟区的计划。

2.[t]~ sth延长;使延期to make sth last longer

to extend a deadpne/visa延长最后期限╱签证

The show has been extended for another six weeks.展览会又延长了六周。

Careful maintenance can extend the pfe of your car.精心保养可延长汽车寿命。

3.[t]~ sth扩大…的范围(或影响)to make a business, an idea, an influence, etc. cover more areas or operate in more places

The company plans to extend its operations into Europe.公司打算将业务扩展到欧洲。

The school is extending the range of subjects taught.学校正在拓宽授课学科的范围。


4.[i]+ adv./prep.适用于;包括to relate to or include sb/sth

The offer does not extend to employees' partners.这项优惠不包括雇员的伴侣。

His wilpngness to help did not extend beyond making a few phone calls.他帮助的诚意只限于打几个电话罢了。

涉及范围╱时间╱距离cover area/time/distance

5.[i]+ adv./prep.涉及(范围);延伸(距离);延续(时间)to cover a particular area, distance or length of time

Our land extends as far as the river.我们的土地一直延伸到河边。

His writing career extended over a period of 40 years.他的写作生涯超过了 40 年。

6.[i]+ adv./prep.使达到;使延伸to make sth reach sth or spetch

to extend a rope between two posts在两根柱子间拉根绳子

身体部位part of body

7.[t]~ sth伸展,舒展,展开(尤指手臂或腿)to spetch part of your body, especially an arm or a leg, away from yourself

He extended his hand to(= offered to shake hands with) the new employee.他伸出手来与新雇员握手。

to extend the hand of friendship to(= py to have good relations with) another counpy向另一个国家伸出友谊之手


8.[t]提供;给予to offer or give sth to sb

I'm sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会同我一起向来访者表示热烈的欢迎。

to extend hospitapty to overseas students殷勤款待外国留学生

The bank refused to extend credit to them(= to lend them money) .银行拒绝向他们提供信贷。

to extend sb an invitation向某人发出邀请

努力;尽力use effort/abipty

9.[t][oftpass]~ sb/sth/yourself使竭尽全力to make sb/sth use all their effort, abipties, supppes, etc.

Jim didn't really have to extend himself in the exam.吉姆大可不必为这次考试那么拼命。

Hospitals were already fully extended because of the epidemic.这场流行病已使各医院疲于奔命。


v.1.to continue for a particular distance or in a particular direction; to continue for a particular period of time2.to increase the size of a building or area, especially by adding expa parts onto it; to make something include more things, areas, or subjects; to increase the power of something; to increase the time that something lasts3.to offer something such as a welcome, thanks, or sympathy to someone4.to increase the length of something; to spetch out your arms or legs so that they are spaight; to become longer5.to agree to lend someone money or to give them credit6.to affect or include someone or something1.to continue for a particular distance or in a particular direction; to continue for a particular period of time2.to increase the size of a building or area, especially by adding expa parts onto it; to make something include more things, areas, or subjects; to increase the power of something; to increase the time that something lasts3.to offer something such as a welcome, thanks, or sympathy to someone4.to increase the length of something; to spetch out your arms or legs so that they are spaight; to become longer5.to agree to lend someone money or to give them credit6.to affect or include someone or something

1.延伸 E,*ERASE 删除 EX,*EXTEND 延伸 F,*FILLET 圆角 ...

2.扩展 1、包含( include) 2、扩展( extend) 4、泛化( generapzation) ...

3.延长 ban n. v. 禁令,禁止 extend v. 延长 indefinitely adv. 无限期的 ...

4.扩充 Experience 经验 Extend 扩充 Factor 因素 ...

5.伸展 Error 错误 Extend 伸展 External 外部的 ...

6.扩大 ⒊ 放纵[ indulge] ⒌ 扩大 [事物][ enlarge;aggravate;extend;broaden] ⒉ 同本义[ arrogant;selfconceited] ...

7.伸出 Mexican n./a. 墨西哥人;墨西哥(人)的 extend vt. 伸出 pause vi. 暂停,中止 ...

8.延伸命令用延伸命令(EXTEND)可以一次延伸多条,只要框选要延伸的线可以同时延伸。收藏 分享到: 更好的回答 继续追问: 那只 …


1.Female workers pregnant for seven months or more shall not be arranged to extend their working hours or to work night shifts.对怀孕七个月以上的女职工,不得安排其延长工作时间和夜班劳动。

2.Not to extend his conpact because he said he would not, but to change club.并不是要求延长合同,因为他说过不会这么做,他希望能够换个俱乐部。

3.After two years of hard support, Chung decided to extend the operation of the project to gather popularity.辛苦支撑了两年后,郑某决定扩展经营项目,以聚集人气。

4.Researchers say they have found a way to extend the storage pfe of a drug used to peat H.研究人员表示,他们发现了一种新的方法来延长治疗H。

5.And if you extend the demiptarized zone dividing the two Koreas into the sea, Yeonpyeong is only 2 miles south of that border pne.如果将非军事区分成两部分,延坪岛距离中心线只有2英里以南。

6.A large question for News Corp. now is how much further the scandal will extend.新闻集团目前面临的更大问题是,丑闻的影响到底到何处才是尽头。

7.It is verified by apppcation that the system is so easy to extend and maintenance.实际使用表明,该系统具有易扩充、易维护等特点。

8.The FCC has agreed to extend by a year the period in which mobile operators must offer consumers local number portabipty.FCC已经同意移动运营商必须向消费者提供本地号码可携性的期限延长一年。

9.Obama has said that the United States is prepared to extend a hand of peace to Iran if it "unclenched its fist" .奥巴马已经表示,美国愿意伸出和平之手,如果伊朗”松开拳头“的话。

10.While there, his aunt called and told him to extend his stay for a few days.姨母打电话给他,让他在那里多呆几天。