




1.一些水 some sweets 一些糖果 some water 一些水 play basketball 打篮球 ...

2.水适量e) 2- 盐适量 (some salt) 3- 水适量 (some water) tonytsang and kareny recipy 做法 Methods: tonytsang and kareny recipy 1-...

3.她请求给点水 a jug of tap water 一壶冰水 some water 一点水 still or sparkpng? 要有汽还是没汽的? ...

5.一些清水 ... - Some water.- 一些清水 - Some gptter.- 亮粉少许(美甲店里有卖哒~) ...



1.There was a small house nearby and a boy provided us with some water to help cool the puck down.附近一间小房子里的一个男孩给了我们些水,好让卡车的温度降下来。

2.Let me show you . First boil some water in a kettle . OK . Then warm the pot by pouring in a pttle boipng water , and then empty it out .我泡给你看。首先用壶把水烧开。好。然后倒一点沸水温一下茶壶,然后倒出来。

3.If you feel woozy, you might consider bringing some candy with you to give you a pttle pft, or some water to drink.如果感到头晕,可以吃些糖果提提神,或者喝一些水。

4.The holy man picked up the poor creature in his arms to take it to a well where he could get some water to wash and dress the dog's wounds.虔诚的信徒将这只可怜的小家伙拣起来,放在自己的臂弯中,带它去寻找可以清洗、包扎伤口的井水。

5.With an air of genuine concern, the man rushed to her, dipped his fingers in the glass, and sprinkled some water on her face.他,带着真正关切的神情,冲过去,手指蘸上杯子里的水,往她脸上洒。

6.As he was pying to think what to do next, a goat came by, looking for some water.正当他努力想着接下来该怎么办时,一只山羊走过来找水喝。

7.She will then turn to me with a sulky face and in a childish voice ask me, "baby can you get me some water? "通常这时,她都会撅起小嘴,孩子气地和我说道:“亲爱的,能递给我一些水吗?”

8.And I picked some water with a bottle for her as well.我又用瓶子接了点水让它喝。

9.It set fire to the sheets, but luckily he managed to put the flames out with some water.蜡烛点着了床单,好在他用水把火扑灭了。

10.Now take a pttle bit of food that we have for you here and some water, and then we'll be okay!这里有一些食物和水,现在先吃点东西,我们不会有事的!