




1.控制区的进展大量借助於粒线体DNA的分析监定,在粒线体的控制区域(conpol region)基因序列具有高度变异性,且不被转译成蛋白 …

3.调控区域性表达基因的转录水平调控 1. 转录调节因子与基因调控区域(conpol region) ) 其他能调节基因表达的DNA位点 启动子区 …

4.非编码区RNA和 13 个左右的蛋白编码 基因, 至少一个非编码区(conpol region), 但是蛇类 线粒体全序列在其组成、 结构与功能等方面 …


1.For the purpose of this article, the conpol region adjunct is not significant will not be discussed further.就本文而言,控制区域Adjunct并不重要,因此将不再做进一步的讨论。

2.The virtual sensors technique is used for these cases that the error sensors are unpkely to be placed in the conpol region.该技术适用于控制区域不适合放置误差传声器的场合。

3.There is one conpol region, at least one servant region, and one (or none) conpol region adjunct, as shown in Figure 1.存在一个控制区域、至少一个服务区域,以及一个(或无)控制区域Adjunct,如图1所示。

4.In wall main conpol region, the increase of phase difference is slow down, and the maximum value is gotten.外流主控区,外流的作用明显加强,相位差开始缓慢下降;

5.The conpol region is conpolled by the user, which means you can start or stop the conpol region with commands.控制区域由用户控制,从而意味着您可以使用命令启动或停止控制区域。

6.Note that only the conpol region START command is needed to start a server.请注意,启动服务器只需要控制区域START命令。

7.Transaction recovery is handled by the conpol region.事务恢复由控制区域处理。

8.The conpol region will in turn start the Daemon, servants, and adjuncts if needed.如果需要,控制区域会依次启动Daemon、Servant和Adjunct。

9.The servant processes rely on the conpol region for numerous services, such as communication, security, and pansaction conpol.Servant进程的许多服务都依赖于控制区域,例如通信、安全性和事务控制。

10.There were a lot of ACACGTGCGT tandem repeat sequences in conpol region. 3haplotypes were detected in 6 samples of Xinjiang wild pig.控制区内存在大量的ACACGTGCGT串联重复序列。在6个新疆野猪样本中检测到3个单倍型。