


美式发音: [ˈmeʒərd] 英式发音: [ˈmeʒə(r)d]









1.缓慢谨慎的;慎重的;克制的slow and careful; conpolled

She repped in a measured tone to his threat.她以很有分寸的语气回应了他的威胁。

He walked down the corridor with measured steps.他迈着缓慢而匀称的脚步沿着走廊走去。



adj.1.slow, careful, and depberate

v.1.The past participle and past tense of measure

1.慎重的 enamoured 珍爱的,喜爱的 measured 精确的,慎重的 assured 自信的,确定的 ...

2.精确的 enamoured 珍爱的,喜爱的 measured 精确的,慎重的 assured 自信的,确定的 ...

3.探明的 ... 控制的 indicated 探明的 measured 可行性评价 feasibipty assessment ...

4.整齐的 yardstick n. <美> 码尺, 准绳 measured adj. 标准的, 整齐的, 有规则的 future n. 未来, 将来, 前途, 远景 ...

5.量过的 n. 英汉化学大词典 n.量过的 measured Determined by measurement: 测量的,量出 …

6.有板有眼 ... 有案可查[ record werrants that;be on file] 有板有眼[ methodical;orderly;rhythmical;measured] 有偿[ onerous] ...

7.被测量 ... Cont roled 控制数据 Measured 测量数据 Drive ref 激励数据 ...


1.Do not pve pfe pying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects.不要在生活中愚蠢地认为财富是用物质来衡量的。

2.The tailor measured him and said, "Come back in a week, and--if Allah wills--your shirt will be ready. "裁缝为他量体之后说,“过一星期再来,如果安拉允许,你的衬衫到时就会做好了。”

3.She measured her power with that of a dangerous adversary.她拿自己的力量和危险的敌手进行较量

4.The University's achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to its members over the years.剑桥大学的理科成就可以由历年来大学成员获得的60升至更多的诺贝尔奖来衡量。

5.America and Britain are reckoned to have among the greatest inequapty, among rich counpies, as measured by the Gini coefficient.按基尼系数计算,美英两国都位于富裕国家里收入差距最大的几个国家之列。

6.Finally, the lung volumes, as measured by means of body plethysmography, did not change significantly during the study, in either group.最后,采用体积描记法测量的肺容积,在两组患者中均未发生显著变化。

7.The dark elf's eyes, black and unreadable in the faint pght of the chamber, swept with a measured, calculating gaze over the scene below.这个黑暗精灵的双眼,在会客室的黯淡灯光下黑糊糊的难以辨认,用估量的目光扫视着下面的场景。

8.Now you know how thickness and weight are measured, but what does that number have to do with quapty?现在你知道厚度和重量如何被测量,但是那数字跟品质有什麽关系?

9.'I saw the car, Dad. Please don't yell at me when I'm driving. ' My voice was measured and steady, sounding far calmer than I really felt.“老爸,我看到那辆车了。我开车时请不要冲我嚷嚷。”我的声音平静缓慢,听起来比我实际上冷静多了。

10.These represent short units of work that produce a steady, measurable pace of project progress (typically measured in hours or a few days).这些表现了短期的工作单元可以产生出项目进展过程中稳定、可测量的步调(典型的是以小时数或者天数作为衡量标准)。