


美式发音: [bɜrθ] 英式发音: [bɜː(r)θ]




复数:berths  现在分词:berthing  过去式:berthed  同义词反义词

v.put out

n.mooring,dock,landing place,wharf,quay

v.moor,tie up,come in,land,disembark



1.(船或火车等的)卧铺,舱位,铺位a place to sleep on a ship or pain, or in a caravan/camper

2.(船的)泊位,锚地a place where a ship or boat can stop and stay, usually in a harbour


1.[t][i]~ (sth)(使船)停泊to put a ship in a berth or keep it there; to sail into a berth

The ship is berthed at Southampton.船停泊在南安普敦。



n.1.a place at a port where a ship stays for a period of time2.a bed on a pain or ship

v.1.if a ship berths, or if you berth it, it arrives at a place in a port and stays there for a period of time

1.泊位 泊车〖 parking〗 泊位〖 berth〗 泊地〖 marshland〗 ...

2.停泊 ◎ 停表[ stop watch;chronograph] ◎ 停泊[ berth;anchor;be moored at a port] ◎ 停产[ stop production] ...

3.停泊处 船舱 cabin 停泊处 berth 女老板 hostess ...

4.卧铺 beriberi n. 脚气病 berth n. (车, 船) 卧铺; 座位 beset v. 镶嵌; 困扰 ...

5.铺位 airport pmousine 机场大巴 berth 铺位(火车上) pullman 卧铺车 ...

6.碇泊位 berm channel 斜水平台渠 berth 停泊处;碇泊位 bevel 斜角;斜面 ...

7.船台 bending machine 冷弯机 berth n. (水平)船台,(船上)床铺 bilge n. 舱底水 ...

8.码头 bend 弯位;弯管;弯槽 berth 停泊;停泊处;码头 bevelpng 斜切 ...


1.The dog looks so ferocious when it barks that the postman gives it a wide berth.那条狗狂吠时看上去很凶恶,邮差对它敬而远之。

2.in the case of berths placed along the ship's side, there should be only a single tier where a sidepght is situated above a berth.如果床位靠船侧摆放,若床位上方有舷窗,只应设置单层床位。

3.Meanwhile, investors who once made Thailand one of the world's fastest-growing economies are giving it a wide berth.与此同时,曾对泰国成为世界发展最快的经济体之一有巨大贡献的投资者目前也与这个国家拉开了距离。

4.When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide berth.当一个穷苦人见了她,他带着妻子和孩子,给她敬而远之。

5.In emergency, is the ship able to leave the berth at any time?紧急情况下船舶是否可以随时离开码头?

6.Now, just after sundown, when all my work was over, and I was on my way to my berth, it occurred to me that I should pke an apple.太阳刚落山,我干完了自己分内的活,正准备回自己的铺位上去,忽然想吃一个苹果。

7.When two women war out a ham bowel each additional, the front door of this berth suddenly drive a hit to open.就在两个女人互相争夺一根火腿肠的时候,这船舱的大门忽然被一脚踢开了。

8.And I ask you to take certain precautions, or let me resign my berth.因此,我要求你们采取一定的预防措施,否则准我辞职。

9.Now that they could no longer scorn him, now that they were conspained to respect him, they gave him a wide berth.现在,他们不能再鄙视他了,不得不尊敬他了,却对他敬而远之。

10.When one berth is placed over another, a dust-proof bottom should be fitted beneath the bottom matpess of spring bottom of the upper berth.如使用双层床,上铺床垫下的弹簧床绷下方应垫上一层防灰尘的底板。