




1.异丙酚 propizepine 丙吡西平 propofol 普鲁泊福 propops medicated soap 蜂胶药皂 ...

6.短效型镇静药物TCI电脑监控软体来计算药物浓度,透过静脉注射给予短效型镇静药物(Propofol),TCI电脑输液帮浦会依照每位患者的体质 …

7.普洛福警方在两人住处查扣多瓶人体用普洛福(Propofol)麻醉剂空瓶和「舒泰」麻醉剂空瓶,怀疑欧女是用两种麻醉剂交替帮陈女施 …

8.麻醉剂普洛福检方表示,麦可死於过量服用麻醉剂普洛福(propofol)及镇静剂乐耐平(Lorazepam),侦查人员很快锁定莫瑞。当麦可在洛 …


1.Propofol is often used as an anaesthetic in surgery, but was used on Jackson to help him sleep.异丙酚通常用于外科麻醉,但却被用于促进杰克逊的睡眠。

2.He also said that Dr Murray had been pying to wean Jackson off propofol, which the star used to call his "milk" .他还说,莫里医生曾一度想给杰克逊停止使用异丙酚,但这位巨星却把这药称为自己的“牛奶”。

3.Objective To compare the efficacy and side effects of recofol with that of propofol in inpavenous anesthesia.目的比较瑞可福与异丙酚的临床麻醉效应和安全性。

4.Combination group and propofol group patients who did not occur by the integrated response of abortion and other serious adverse reactions.联合组和异丙酚组受术者均未发生人工流产综合反应及其他严重不良反应。

5.Dr Murray also did not mention to paramedics or emergency room doctors that he had administered propofol, according to the prosecutor.据起诉人说,莫里也并没有向医务人员和急诊医生提及自己给(杰克逊)开处异丙酚的信息。

6.abspact: Objective: To observe and compare the anesthesia effect ofremifentanil combined with propofol used for children lymphangioma.目的:观察比较芬太尼与瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚用于儿童淋巴管瘤穿刺治疗术的麻醉效果。

7.Forensic tests reportedly showed that propofol, acting together with at least two sedatives, to cause his death.法医测试报告显示,异丙酚和其他至少两种镇静剂一起,导致了杰克逊的死亡。

8.It's a sedative used for surgery and you certainly were not the first doctor to give Michael Jackson Propofol.这是一种用于手术的镇静剂,而你肯定不是第一位给迈克尔·杰克逊丙泊酚的医生。

9.Propofol is widely used with its rapid onset, short effectiveness, rapid and complete recovery characteristics.异丙酚具有起效快、时效短、苏醒迅速而完全等特点,已在临床广泛使用。

10.A coroner later concluded that the singer, 50, died in his bed from "acute intoxication" as a result of the anaesthetic propofol.验尸官随后断定,50岁的杰克逊由于注射了过量麻醉剂异丙酚,导致“急性中毒”,死在了床上。