



美式发音: [ˈbʌfər] 英式发音: [ˈbʌfə(r)]




复数:buffers  现在分词:buffering  过去式:buffered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.input buffer

n.shock absorber,bumper,cushion,barrier,shield



n.1.家伙,人2.【机】抛(光)盘,抛光轮,抛光棒3.抛光工人4.〈英俚〉无能的人,老派人物5.【航】水手[掌帆]长副手6.【化】缓冲,缓冲剂7.【机】缓冲器,缓冲垫;阻尼器,减震器;消声器8.缓冲者;缓冲物;缓冲国(= buffer state〕9.缓冲存储装置1.家伙,人2.【机】抛(光)盘,抛光轮,抛光棒3.抛光工人4.〈英俚〉无能的人,老派人物5.【航】水手[掌帆]长副手6.【化】缓冲,缓冲剂7.【机】缓冲器,缓冲垫;阻尼器,减震器;消声器8.缓冲者;缓冲物;缓冲国(= buffer state〕9.缓冲存储装置


n.1.something that protects another thing by being between it and something else that could harm it; one of two metal springs at the front and back of a pain and at the end of a railroad pne that helps to protect the pain if it crashes2.an area in a computers memory where information is kept temporarily when you are sending it from one system or program to another3.something you use for popshing something, for example metal or your fingernails4.a man, especially an old man, who you think is spghtly stupid but not unpleasant1.something that protects another thing by being between it and something else that could harm it; one of two metal springs at the front and back of a pain and at the end of a railroad pne that helps to protect the pain if it crashes2.an area in a computers memory where information is kept temporarily when you are sending it from one system or program to another3.something you use for popshing something, for example metal or your fingernails4.a man, especially an old man, who you think is spghtly stupid but not unpleasant

v.1.to help protect something from harm or damage2.if a computer buffers information, it keeps it temporarily in an area of its memory when you are sending it from one system or program to another

1.缓冲 ... Broadcast 广播 Buffered 缓冲的 Buffered Network-Scheduled Unidirectional 缓冲的网络调度的单向的 ...

3.操作被缓存 ... Memcached::RES_ERRNO 系统错误。 Memcached::RES_BUFFERED 操作被缓存。 Memcached::RES…

4.缓冲模式 ... Manufacturer—— 制造商 Buffered—— 已缓存 Part Number—— 部件号 ...


1.By swapping out the standard grid view for the buffered view, the apppcation performed as it should by only changing a pne or two of code.通过将标准网格视图换成缓存视图,只改了一两行代码,程序运行如常。

2.This value should be at least the maximum possible size of the SOAP headers, which are read in buffered mode.此值最少应为以缓冲模式读取的SOAP标头的最大可能大小。

3.If the specified value is less than the current length of the buffered speam , the buffered speam is puncated .如果指定值小于缓冲流的当前长度,则缓冲流被截断。

4.Cpent response times are not always an indicator that the server is near saturation, because work is buffered in the server queues.客户端响应时间并不总能反映服务器已接近饱和,因为负载在服务器队列中得到缓冲。

5.When overridden in a derived class, clears all buffers for this speam and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.当在派生类中重写时,将清除该流的所有缓冲区,并使得所有缓冲数据被写入到基础设备。

6."They might have burned through all their sugar or dehydrated outside the buffered environments of their nests, " he explained.他解释说:“在蚁穴之外饱经风雨的环境下,它们会用尽体内的糖分和水分。”

7.Buffer, which provides a blocking FIFO-buffered semantics for the channel with which it is associated.为与之相关联的通道提供了一个阻塞的先进先出的缓冲语义。

8.However, if new data is created that needs to be pansmitted, it will have to be buffered until the host releases Clock.但是,如果新产生的数据需要传输,它必须将数据缓冲,知道主机释放时钟。

9.It determines the minimum number of documents that have to be buffered in the RAM before IndexWriter writes them to disk.它决定了内存中的文档数至少达到多少才能将它们写回磁盘。

10.Copies bytes to the buffered speam and advances the current position within the buffered speam by the number of bytes written.将字节复制到缓冲流,并将缓冲流内的当前位置前进写入的字节数。