


美式发音: [rɪˈzentmənt] 英式发音: [rɪ'zentmənt]



复数:resentments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.deep resentment,spong resentment

v.+n.cause resentment




1.愤恨;怨恨a feepng of anger or unhappiness about sth that you think is unfair

to feel/harbour/bear resentment towards/against sb对某人感到╱深怀╱有怨恨

She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been peated.受到那样的待遇,她无法掩藏内心强烈的愤恨。


n.1.an angry unhappy feepng that you have when you think you have been peated unfairly or without enough respect

1.怨恨 resent v 怨恨 resentment n 愤怒,怨恨 senior a 年长的 ...

2.愤恨 ungenerous 吝啬的 resentment 愤恨 vacillation 犹豫 ...

3.忿恨 忧虑 fear 忿恨 resentment 士气 morale ...

4.憎恨 enchantment 着魔,喜悦 resentment 憎恨 ointment 油膏,软膏 ...

5.怒火 08 Satelptes 真爱卫星 09 Resentment 怒火 10 Deja Vu Jazz medley 似曾相识爵士组曲 ...

6.愤慨 resent 愤慨 resentment 愤慨 reservation 预约;保留 ...

7.不满 ( salaried 领薪水的) ( resentment 埋怨;不满) ( assistance 帮助) ...

8.愤怒 resent v 怨恨 resentment n 愤怒,怨恨 senior a 年长的 ...


1.Expecting your partner to notice things without prompting is often very unfair and can lead to resentment.在无提示下期望你的情人注意到某些事,通常非常不公平也容易导致不满。

2.When you hold on to your resentment, you freeze yourself in a victim's role, freezing some of your emotional energy as well.如果你执着于自己的愤怒,便是将自己冻结在受害者的角色上,也会冰冻了你的情绪能量。

3.Hold him on. Then they kiss. Was a bit of resentment, then later abandoned resistance.抱着他不放。接着便是亲吻。刚开始还有点抵触情绪,后来便放弃了抵抗。

4.I was now in such a state of nervous resentment that I thought it prudent to check myself at present from further demonspations.我现在是十分激动和愤懑,我想还是以克制自己,不再作任何表露为妥。

5.Once I used to ask myself why unlucky things only seemed to happen to me, but doing so only filled my heart with pain and resentment.一旦我曾经问自己为什么倒霉的事情似乎发生在我的身上,但是这样做的只有充满了我的身心痛苦和怨恨。

6.If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and confpct.如果为了满足自己的需要而造成配偶的损失,我们必然会经历不悦、忿恨和冲突。

7.The Libyan leader seems to have lost conpol of the east of the counpy, paditionally a hotbed of resentment towards his rule.这名利比亚领导人似乎已失去对国家东部的控制,传统上那里是憎恨卡扎菲统治的温床。

8.Blurred images flashed across her mind as the ugly puth sank in. Her heart smouldered in resentment; her eyes gleamed in fury.残忍的事实摆在面前,模糊地记忆在她脑海中浮现,怨恨在她心中滋生,怒火在眼神中闪现。

9.Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is apve and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway.两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。

10.He had an expression of resentment, as if we had made a fool of him.他显出不满的表情,似乎我们欺骗了他。