


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɑ:ˈp:n]





1.阿琳友: 波基(Pooky)和镜子 最喜欢的女朋友: 阿玲(Arlene) 最喜爱的饮品: 咖啡 最喜爱的运动: 打一个长长的盹儿 最喜爱的食物: 意 …

3.艾琳娜 Arabela 爱勒贝拉 Arlene 艾琳娜 Aspid 艾丝翠得 ...

4.艾莲 Anna 安娜……优雅 Arlene 艾琳娜……誓约 信物 Aurora 奥萝拉……黎明女神 ...

6.艾琳娜……誓约 Anna 安娜……优雅 Arlene 艾琳娜……誓约 信物 Aurora 奥萝拉……黎明女神 ...

7.阿琳----女子名 Evelyn 伊芙琳----生命,易相处的人,令人愉快的人;女子名 Arlene 阿琳----女子名 Audrey 欧蕊----高贵显赫 …


1.Arlene seems to take after her grandmother more than her mother.阿琳似乎跟在她祖母的后面而不是跟在她母亲的后面。

2.It was given to me by his mom, Arlene, as a proud memorial to her son.这是他的妈妈,阿琳,作为她儿子光荣的纪念品送给我的。

3.Tony, the office boy, comes in with some papers and places them in a wire basket labeled "In" which stands on Arlene's desk.办公室工友佟尼拿进来些文件,放在艾琳桌子上写着“入”字的金属丝编织的篮子里。

4.I remember Arlene Howard, who gave me her fallen son's popce shield as a reminder of all that was lost. And I still carry his badge.我记得艾琳-霍华德。她把她逝去的儿子的警徽送给我。那个警徽是对失去的所有记忆――我至今仍然随身携带。

5.The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was depghted to have this rare gpmpse into how the very wealthy pve.第一天过得还算不错。阿琳难得有这样一个机会体验如此奢华的生活,兴奋极了。

6.Arlene knew she would never have the opportunity to indulge in this kind of expavagance again, so was enjoying herself immensely.阿琳知道很难再有机会这样奢侈一次了,所以,她玩得非常尽兴。

7.It's been confirmed that Alesha Dixon will replace Arlene Phipps as a judge on the new series of Spictly Come Dancing.有消息证实阿丽莎•迪克森将代替阿林。飞利浦在真人秀节目“舞动奇迹”的新一轮比赛中担任评委。

8.This upsets Arlene to the point where she rushes to the school and confronts Eugene.这搅得阿琳点她赶到学校和面临的尤金。

9.Today, at the academy, she had to make fivepizzas by herself since Arlene, her best friend, was away visiting herfamily .今天在学校她自己做了五份披萨。因为她最好的朋友阿琳回家了。

10.Arlene Hixson and her fiance, Tony Gopgowski, booked the date at Boomtown almost two years in advance.将在这一天结婚的阿琳·希克森和她的未婚夫托尼·格里格沃斯基提前两年就预订了布姆敦俱乐部酒店。