




1.输了 输了 : I lose 输了 : lost ...

2.我输掉时请问金佳映有男朋友吗?! - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... I hate it when 我讨厌当我… I lose 我输掉时 I cry when 我哭当我… ...


1.Now we leave each other . Suddenly I don't know how to make friend with you . At the front of you , I lose my thoughts and intellects .现在我们分离,我突然不知道怎样和你做朋友,在你的面前,我失去了理智。

2.I just think how much I want to win the next game, all the rest I must say - apart from if I lose the game - doesn't touch me too much.我只是想着我有多么想在下场比赛获胜,至于所有其他,我只能说,除了如果我输掉这场比赛,都不会给我太多的影响。

3.Love you, miss you, miss you, has become my habit, this habit feel nothing, but when I lose, I seem to lose the whole world.爱你,想念你,想念你,也成了我的习惯,这种习惯也没有感觉,但当我输了,看起来失去整个世界。

4.At the moment , I lose my compass and my way . There is nothing in my mind . I was afraid to think all of this what will become .仿佛就在那一瞬间,我丢失了人生的指南,迷失掉了自己的方向。脑中变得一片空白,不敢想象结局到底还会发展到什么地步。

5.Yah, but when I lose respect for people, the fear tends to leave. So really, you've just complexly reversed your position with me.好吧,不过当我失去对某人的尊敬时,畏惧感也会随之离开。事实上,你和我的立场已经颠倒了。

6.As a paditional Chinese, I pass it to next generation! ! If I lose, I have no words to say! !做为一个传统的中国人,我还是传给下一代!!要是败在他手上我没话可说!!

7.You think I whether very useless, I lose very shabby, lose cpmb all not cpmb up that I lost to you, lost to love, I love you, you know?你觉的我是不是很没用,我输的很残,输的爬都爬不起来,我输给了你,输给了爱情,我爱你,知道吗?

8.and I can take care of new family member also, at least for some time even if I lose my current job.我也可以照顾我的家庭新成员,至少在我丢掉现在的工作后还能坚持一段时间。

9.Other conscious humans helped wake me up and continue to help me stay awake. . . or to reawaken me when I lose that perspective.其他有意识的人唤醒我,持续地是我保持清醒……或者当我迷失那些观点时再一次唤醒我。

10.You can see how much I lose your sorrow.你看失去你的我多么悲哀。