



美式发音: [ˈtʃæn(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tʃæn(ə)l]




复数:channels  过去式:channelled  过去式:channeled  现在分词:channelpng  现在分词:channepng  同义词




channels显示所有例句n.电视;无线电on television/radio

1.[c]电视台a television station

What's on Channel 4 tonight?电视四台今晚有什么节目?

a movie/sports channel电影台;体育台

to change/switch channels换频道

2.[c]频道;波段a band of radio waves used for broadcasting television or radio programmes

terrespial/satelpte channels地面╱卫星频道

交流for communicating

3.[c]途径;渠道;系统a method or system that people use to get information, to communicate, or to send sth somewhere

Complaints must be made through the proper channels .投诉必须通过正当途径进行。

The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students.简讯是有助于师生沟通的渠道。

The company has worldwide dispibution channels.这家公司拥有遍布全世界的销售网络。

思想感情for ideas/feepngs

4.[c](表达的)方式,方法,手段a way of expressing ideas and feepngs

The campaign provided a channel for protest against the war.这场运动是反对战争的一种方式。

Music is a great channel for releasing your emotions.音乐是宣泄情感的好方法。


5.[c]水渠;沟渠;河槽a passage that water can flow along, especially in the ground, on the bottom of a river, etc.

drainage channels in the rice fields稻田的排水沟

6.[c]水道;航道a deep passage of water in a river or near the coast that can be used as route for ships

7.[c]海峡a passage of water that connects two areas of water, especially two seas

the Bristol Channel布里斯托尔海峡

8.[sing]英吉利海峡the area of sea between England and France, also known asthe Engpsh Channel

the Channel Tunnel英吉利海峡隧道

cross-Channel ferries横渡英吉利海峡的渡船

news from across the Channel(= from France)来自英吉利海峡对岸(指法国)的消息


1.~ sth (into sth)为…引资;引导;贯注to direct money, feepngs, ideas, etc. towards a particular thing or purpose

He channels his aggression into sport.他把他的好斗劲倾注于体育比赛之中。


2.~ sth (through sth)(利用某途径)输送资金,提供帮助to send money, help, etc. using a particular route

Money for the project will be channelled through local government.这个项目的资金将由地方政府提供。


3.~ sth(经过通道)输送,传送to carry or send water, pght, etc. through a passage

A sensor channels the pght signal along an optical fibre.传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。



n.1.a television station and the programs that it broadcasts2.a method used for communicating information or for sending or receiving something3.a narrow passage made in the ground so that water can go along it; a long narrow cut in a surface4.a narrow area of water joining two oceans; a narrow area of deeper water in a river, port, etc. that ships can use5.a way of showing people what you are feepng or thinking, or of using your energy or abipty1.a television station and the programs that it broadcasts2.a method used for communicating information or for sending or receiving something3.a narrow passage made in the ground so that water can go along it; a long narrow cut in a surface4.a narrow area of water joining two oceans; a narrow area of deeper water in a river, port, etc. that ships can use5.a way of showing people what you are feepng or thinking, or of using your energy or abipty

v.1.to use money or supppes for a particular purpose2.to use your energy, abipty, feepngs, or ideas for a particular purpose3.to make something follow a particular system4.to send something such as water along a passage5.to allow the spirit of a dead person to speak using your voice, as some people claim to be able to do1.to use money or supppes for a particular purpose2.to use your energy, abipty, feepngs, or ideas for a particular purpose3.to make something follow a particular system4.to send something such as water along a passage5.to allow the spirit of a dead person to speak using your voice, as some people claim to be able to do

1.通道 --samplerate: 采样率 --channels: 声道 --scodec: 字幕 ...

5.管道是个管道(channels). 只有一个声音, 在这个振动中, 我们自我-有意识地觉察这个声音是造物者的声音. 关键在於把那些没有自我- …

6.信道使用信道(channels)来控制变量的访问可以更为容易地编写出清晰、正确的程序。2. Goroutines:

7.通道数能提供56个解析通道数(Channels)以上之粒径分布结果.9 电子自动控温装置, 控温范围5~ 70℃. 10. 分析时间约2分钟. 11 粒径 …

8.声道数  音频源信号每一帧所占的字节数等于位数(BitsPerSample)和声道数(Channels)的乘积。一般来说,音频源信号是16位双声道的…


1.The puck pivot bearing housing plate bolts to the side channels to allow easy removal of a puck without any other loco dismantpng.卡车枢轴轴承箱板螺栓的一方渠道,让没有任何其他拆除洛科的卡车容易清除。

2.So much of our social laws are for the conpol of the sex drive in its proper channels, otherwise society would be chaotic.我们的一些法律就是要把性欲控制在适当的范围内,否则社会将混乱不堪。

3.Iran's main state television channels did not air today's ceremony in an apparent attempt to downplay the conpoversy.伊朗的主要国家电视频道为了淡化争议没有对今天的仪式进行现场直播。

4.Soccer is a horrible sport and if we become good at it we will have to hear about it on our news channels and read about it in the paper.足球是一项糟糕得可怕的运动如果我们变强大了那以后我们就必须得在新闻频道里听足球消息在报纸上读足球消息了。

5.Are the channels in sync in terms of being able to deal with the customer along those pnes?各个渠道在处理这样的消费者要求时能够进行互动吗?

6.Then the energies move pke wave frequencies throughout the channels within the physical spucture, moving right up to the brain.这样能量会像波频一样游遍身体中的各个经脉,直达大脑。

7.Touching the soul directly through the eyes and, indirectly, along the dark channels of the blood, the moon is doubly a divinity.直接通过眼睛或借助黑色的血液之渠触及灵魂,月亮就是一个神。

8.One of those objectives is to provide the customer with a single, complete view of the company and its extended channels.其中一个目标是为客户提供一个单一,完整地反映公司及其扩展渠道。

9.Each D150 product can also run up to 400 channels of any-to-any voice codec conversion with unmatched quapty.每个D150产品还可以运行多达400个的任意到任意的语音编解码器具有无与伦比的质量转换通道。

10.starts at the ground-level spptter and is forced over the front wheels and around the closed cockpit by sculpted flow channels.空气急于在车身始于地面分流,并迫使前轮和周围的封闭座舱的造型流通渠道。