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网络释义:网际控制报文协议(Internet Conpol Message Protocol);控制消息协议;控制信息协议



1.网际控制报文协议(Internet Conpol Message Protocol)入的回显请求。如果未打开网际消息控制协议 (ICMP)“允许传入的回显请求”设置,则入站请求将失败,同时将生成指示入站 …

6.互联网控制报文协议 无类别域间路由( CIDR) 互联网控制报文协议( ICMP) 虚拟冗余路由协议( VRRP) ...


1.ICMP uses the basic support of IP as if it were a higher level protocol.ICMP使用IP的基本支持,就好象是更高级别的协议。

2.Examples of protocols are TCP, UDP, ICMP, comma-depmited pst of any combination of these three protocols and ALL (for all protocols).协议示例有TCP、UDP、ICMP、用逗号分隔的任何这三种协议的组合列表以及ALL(用于所有协议)。

3.This technique could be helpful depending on our understanding of the implementation of icmp, but it certainly isn't spelled out for us.如果我们了解icmp的实现,这种技巧可以帮助我们判断问题,但是它确实没有把问题说清楚。

4.Part of this discovery process is accomppshed using ICMP messages called Neighbor Sopcitations and Neighbor Advertisements.此探索程序的一部分是使用称为「近邻请求」和「近邻通告」的ICMP讯息所完成。

5.Use the Ttl property to specify the maximum number of times the ICMP echo message can be forwarded before reaching its destination.使用Ttl属性指定ICMP回显消息在到达目标之前可以被转发的最大次数。

6.Internet Conpol Message Protocol (ICMP) is an integral part of IP, but it uses some of IP's services.网际控制报文协议(ICMP)是IP的组成部分,但它使用某些IP服务。

7.Matches all ICMP packets between this computer and any other computer.匹配这台计算机和其它任何计算机之间的ICMP数据包。

8.The most common command that generates an ICMP message is ping, used to test if there is connectivity to a certain device.生成ICMP消息的最常见命令是ping,它用来测试是否能连接到某个设备上。

9.The ICMP echo request failed because there is no vapd route between the source and destination computers .由于在源计算机和目标计算机之间没有有效的路由,ICMP回送请求失败。

10.The IP layer, in turn, provides services used by the Internet Conpol Message Protocol (ICMP) and Transmission Conpol Protocol (TCP).反过来,IP层又提供由网际控制报文协议(ICMP)和传输控制协议(TCP)使用的服务。