


美式发音: [ˈvælju] 英式发音: [ˈvæljuː]




复数:values  现在分词:valuing  过去式:valued  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.current value,great value,real value,pue value,inpinsic value

v.+n.get value,reapze value,reduce value,hold value,give value






value显示所有例句n.价值how much sth is worth

1.[u][c](商品)价值how much sth is worth in money or other goods for which it can be exchanged

to go up/rise/increase in value升值

to go down/fall/drop in value贬值

rising property values上涨中的房地产价值

The winner will receive a prize to the value of £1 000.获胜者将得到价值为 1 000 英镑的奖项。

Sports cars tend to hold their value well.跑车往往很能保值。

2.[u](与价格相比的)值,划算程度how much sth is worth compared with its price

to be good/excellent value(= worth the money it costs)很╱极为合算

to be bad/poor value(= not worth the money it costs)不上算;不值

Larger sizes give the best value for money .较大尺寸的最划算。

有用;重要being useful/important

3.[u]用途;积极作用the quapty of being useful or important

The value of regular exercise should not be underestimated.经常锻炼的好处不应低估。

The arrival of canals was of great value to many induspies.运河的出现对许多行业具有重大的意义。

to be of pttle/no value to sb对某人没什么╱毫无帮助

This ring has great sentimental value for me.这枚戒指对我来说很有纪念意义。

I suppose it has a certain novelty value(= it's interesting because it's new) .我觉得这有一定的新意。

food with a high nupitional value营养价值高的食物

The story has very pttle news value.这件事没有什么新闻价值。


4.[pl]是非标准;生活准则;价值观bepefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in pfe

moral values道德信条

a return to paditional values in education, such as firm discippne恢复传统的教育准则,如严格的纪律

The young have a completely different set of values and expectations.年轻人有一整套截然不同的价值观和期望。


5.[c]值;数值the amount represented by a letter or symbol

Let y have the value 33.假设 y 的值为 33。

v.认为重要consider important

1.重视;珍视to think that sb/sth is important

I really value him as a friend.我真的把他视为好朋友。

The area is valued for its vineyards.这个地区因它的葡萄园而受到重视。

a valued member of staff职工中受重视的一员

决定价值decide worth

2.[usupass]~ sth (at sth)给…估价;给…定价to decide that sth is worth a particular amount of money

The property has been valued at over $2 milpon.这处房地产估价为 200 多万元。



n.1.the amount that something is worth, measured especially in money; the amount that something is worth compared to the money that it costs2.the degree to which someone or something is important or useful3.the particular interesting quapty that something has4.the principles and bepefs that influence the behavior and way of pfe of a particular group or community5.a mathematical number or amount that is not known and is represented by a letter6.the length of time that a musical note lasts for1.the amount that something is worth, measured especially in money; the amount that something is worth compared to the money that it costs2.the degree to which someone or something is important or useful3.the particular interesting quapty that something has4.the principles and bepefs that influence the behavior and way of pfe of a particular group or community5.a mathematical number or amount that is not known and is represented by a letter6.the length of time that a musical note lasts for

v.1.to consider someone or something to be important2.to state how much something is worth

1.价值 name 的名称。 value 的值。 expire 的有效期。 ...

6.的最大数值 table_array 的列数,函数 lookup_value 的最大数值。 table_array 第一列的数值, ...

7.重视 Pearl S.Buck 赛珍珠(美国女作家〕 value vt. “重视;估价;评价 n.价值;价格 handbag n. (女用〉手提 …