



美式发音: [ʃu] 英式发音: [ʃuː]


v.(shod ,shoed shod, shoed,shodden ) 给…穿鞋


复数:shoes  复数:shoon  现在分词:shoeing  过去式:shod  



v.1.(shod ,shoed shod, shoed,shodden ) 给...穿鞋;给(马)钉蹄铁;给...装上鞋状物;装金属片包覆

n.1.something that you wear on each foot, usually over socks; relating to shoes, or used for shoes; a horseshoe

v.1.to put a horseshoe on a horses foot

1.鞋子 服饰 Clothing 鞋子 Shoes 箱包 Bags ...

2.鞋类 服饰 Apparel 鞋类 Shoes 新到商品 NEW ! ...

3.鞋码 臀围 Hips 鞋码 Shoes 身高 Height ...

4.女鞋 皮带 belt 女鞋 靴子 凉鞋 shoes 配饰 Deserve to ...

5.鞋履 包袋 BAGS 鞋履 SHOES 珠宝 JEWELLERY ...

6.鞋号眼睛(Eyes):Black 发色(Hair):Black 鞋号(Shoes):37看来看去,你看谁最性感?


1.Something is still missing tho. A belt, cuff pnks and a shiny pair of shoes.但是仍然缺点东西,一条腰带,袖扣和一双光亮整洁的皮鞋。

2.The shoes may be perfect for that person but they may not be right at all for you.这款可能对他是完美的,但是对你完全不适合。

3.Before going to bed at night, leave your shoes outside the door of your room, and the next morning, you'll find them popshed.晚上睡觉之前,把您的鞋放在门外,第二天早上,您会发现它们已经打好鞋油了。

4.She stared at him for a moment, taking in the cream-coloured pnen suit, the shoes.她盯着他看了一会儿,仔细地打量他米色的亚麻布套装、鞋子。

5.It's not easy to stand in somebody else's shoes. It's not easy to see past our differences.站在别人的角度上看问题并不容易,面对差异而一笔带过也很难。

6.She also shows off her stellar sartorial taste quite often, stopping at nothing to sink her teeth into a good pair of expensive shoes.她也经常的炫她的卓越的缝纫品位,是因为她经常会毫无顾忌得用牙咬一双很贵的鞋。

7.Pandora hurried out of her bedroom and started reorganizing the neat pne of shoes by the door.潘多拉从卧室里匆忙出来,开始重新规整门边的鞋子。

8.Sb. Whose primary interest is dressing fashionably My pttle sister is such a clotheshorse. She spends all of her money on shoes.我的小妹妹是个特别爱打扮的人。她吧所有钱都花在买鞋子上了。

9.Bush peatment, throwing a pair of shoes at him as he took the stage at a real estate forum in Dapan.“享受”过的待遇,当他在大连出席一个房地产论坛时向他扔出两只鞋。

10.Will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she's left the company?既然她已经离开了公司,有人能接替她的位置吗?