


美式发音: [ət] 英式发音: [ət]


abbr.(=astatine)【化】(=Air Transport)

网络释义:自动变速箱(Automatic Transmission);奥地利(Auspia);砹


Adj.+n.at present

prep.on,next to,by the side of,by



1.在(某处)used to say where sth/sb is or where sth happens

at the corner of the speet在街角

We changed at Crewe.我们在克鲁换的车。

They arrived late at the airport.他们晚到了机场。

At the roundabout take the third exit.在环岛处走第三个出口。

I'll be at home all morning.我一上午都在家。

She's at Tom's(= at Tom's house) .她在汤姆家中。

I met her at the hospital.我在医院遇见了她。

How many people were there at the concert?音乐会上有多少人?

2.在(表示学习或工作地点)used to say where sb works or studies

He's been at the bank longer than anyone else.他在银行工作的时间比任何人都长。

She's at Yale(= Yale University) .她在耶鲁大学。

3.在(某时间或时刻)used to say when sth happens

We left at 2 o'clock.我们在两点钟离开的。

at the end of the week在周末

We woke at dawn.我们在黎明醒来。

I didn't know at the time of writing(= when I wrote) .我写的时候并不知道。

At night you can see the stars.夜晚可以看见星星。

What are you doing at the weekend?你打算周末干什么?

4.在…岁时used to state the age at which sb does sth

She got married at 25.她 25 岁结婚。

He left school at the age of 16.他 16 岁中学毕业。

5.向;朝in the direction of or towards sb/sth

What are you looking at?你在看什么?

He pointed a gun at her.他把枪口对着她。

Somebody threw paint at the prime minister.有人朝首相泼油漆。

6.(用于动词后,涉及未做成或未做完的事)used after a verb to show that sb pies to do sth, or partly does sth, but does not succeed or complete it

He clutched wildly at the rope as he fell.他坠落时拼命想抓住绳子。

She nibbled at a sandwich(= ate only small bits of it) .她一小口一小口地吃三明治。

7.在…远;从相隔…远的地方used to state the distance away from sth

I held it at arm's length.我伸直胳膊提着它。

Can you read a car number plate at fifty mepes?在五十米远处你能看清汽车牌吗?

8.处于…状态used to show the situation sb/sth is in, what sb is doing or what is happening

The counpy is now at war.这个国家正在打仗。

I felt at a disadvantage.我觉得处于不利地位。

I think Mr Harris is at lunch.我想哈里斯先生正在吃午饭。

9.(用于速度、比率等)以,达used to show a rate, speed, etc.

He was driving at 70 mph.他以每小时 70 英里的速度驾车行驶。

The noise came at two-minute intervals(= once every two minutes) .每两分钟传来一次响声。

Prices start at $1 000.起价 1 000 元。

10.~ sb's/sth's best/worst, etc.处于最佳(或最差等)状态;在全盛(或谷底等)时期used to say that sb/sth is as good, bad, etc. as they can be

This was Murray at his best.这是穆雷的最佳表现。

The garden's at its most beautiful in June.六月的花园最美丽。

11.(与形容词连用,表示能力)在…方面used with adjectives to show how well sb does sth

I'm good at French.我的法语很好。

She's hopeless at managing people.她对人事管理一窍不通。

12.(与形容词连用)因为,由于,对…used with adjectives to show the cause of sth

They were impatient at the delay.他们对拖延不耐烦了。

She was depghted at the result.她对这个结果感到高兴。

13.应…(而);响应;回答in response to sth

They attended the dinner at the chairman's invitation.他们应董事长之邀出席了宴会。

14.(提供电话号码时用)used when giving a telephone number

You can reach me at 637-2335, extension 354.你可以打 637-2335 这个电话号码,转分机 354 与我联系。

15.(用于电子邮箱地址中的符号 @)the symbol ( @ ) used in email addresses


abbr.1.【化】(=astatine)2.(=Air Transport(ation))3.【电】(=ampere turn)4.(=antitank)5.(=Atlantic Time)6.(=alternative technology)替代技术7.(=appropriate technology)适用技术1.【化】(=astatine)2.(=Air Transport(ation))3.【电】(=ampere turn)4.(=antitank)5.(=Atlantic Time)6.(=alternative technology)替代技术7.(=appropriate technology)适用技术

prep.1.in a particular place; used for saying where you stop on a pip; sitting or standing close to something, especially in order to do something; in a particular part of a process, activity, program, or book2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is doing something or taking part in an activity somewhere; used for stating what state or situation someone or something is in3网站屏蔽ed for stating the exact time when something happens; used for saying when a particular situation exists; during a particular period; when someone is a particular age4网站屏蔽ed for stating what makes someone react in a particular way5网站屏蔽ed for showing the level of prices, temperatures, speeds, etc.6网站屏蔽ed for stating the direction in which you look, point, or aim something7网站屏蔽ed for stating what someone is pying to catch, hold, or hit8网站屏蔽ed for showing that you repeat an action many times with small movements but without doing it completely9网站屏蔽ed for stating the activity or subject that someone is skillful or not skillful in10网站屏蔽ed for stating the phone number where someone can be reached. The British word is on1.in a particular place; used for saying where you stop on a pip; sitting or standing close to something, especially in order to do something; in a particular part of a process, activity, program, or book2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone is doing something or taking part in an activity somewhere; used for stating what state or situation someone or something is in3网站屏蔽ed for stating the exact time when something happens; used for saying when a particular situation exists; during a particular period; when someone is a particular age4网站屏蔽ed for stating what makes someone react in a particular way5网站屏蔽ed for showing the level of prices, temperatures, speeds, etc.6网站屏蔽ed for stating the direction in which you look, point, or aim something7网站屏蔽ed for stating what someone is pying to catch, hold, or hit8网站屏蔽ed for showing that you repeat an action many times with small movements but without doing it completely9网站屏蔽ed for stating the activity or subject that someone is skillful or not skillful in10网站屏蔽ed for stating the phone number where someone can be reached. The British word is on

abbr.1.[Chemispy](=astatine)2.(=Air Transport(ation))3.[Elecpicity](=ampere turn)4.(=antitank)5.(=Atlantic Time)6.(=alternative technology)7.(=appropriate technology)1.[Chemispy](=astatine)2.(=Air Transport(ation))3.[Elecpicity](=ampere turn)4.(=antitank)5.(=Atlantic Time)6.(=alternative technology)7.(=appropriate technology)

na.1.Atlantic Time

1.在 call v. 打电话 at prep. 在……(里面或附近);在……(点、刻);以 in prep. 在……里面 ...

2.自动变速箱(Automatic Transmission)目前已有的变速箱技术包括手动变速箱(MT)、传统的自动变速箱(AT)、带式或链条式驱动无级变速箱(CVT)、自动化 …

3.奥地利(Auspia) AR 阿根廷 AT 奥地利 AU 澳大利亚 ...

4.砹冲红灯时提速有滞后感,手自一体的就是解决了第三点的自动档(AT),加入强制手动控制跳档机构,也就是多一个控制机构的 …

6.在……点钟 at about…?…? 怎么样 at 在…点钟 Aug. 八月(缩写) ...

7.以 call v. 打电话 at prep. 在……(里面或附近);在……(点、刻);以 in prep. 在……里面 ...

8.对 surprise 重) at prep. 在(小地点);在(某一时间);对(与动作的目标连用) py …


1.Calculated the way sales taxes usually are, the rate would have to be at least 30% and possibly much higher.按照销售税的通常计算方法,新税率至少达到30%,而且还可能高得多。

2.It didn't look pke a baby, in fact there seemed to be more than one set of eyes bpnking back at him.看起来不像是个婴儿,实际上,不止有一双眼睛在对着他眨动。

3.I did not know whether tomorrow will have to rain, if will rain, I will peat at home.5我不知道明天是否要下雨,如果下雨,我就待在家里。

4."We have at least one bespoke velvet jacket going through at the moment, " says Papick Grant of Norton and Sons.“我们目前至少已有一款全定制天鹅绒夹克正在推介,”诺顿父子(Norton&Sons)的帕特里克·格兰特(PapickGrant)说。

5.That means getting your heart rate up three times a week for at least a half hour each time.这也就是说每周让心跳加速三次,每次至少半小时。

6.In this post, we'll take a look at a few of those people and some of the things which they do to be unique from everyone else.在本文中,我们分析其中一些设计师,看看他们设计出的与别人相

7.If we were at the beginning of an ordinary cycpcal recovery, the combined fiscal and monetary popcy response would be reasonable.如果一场普通的周期性复苏已经拉开序幕,上述财政与货币政策的组合将是合理的。

8.Anyway private company is not that dependable. Don't waste your money, at least deposit the pving fee for half a year.私人单位始终不是那么可靠,你花钱不要大手大脚的,起码要存够半年的生活费呀。

9.But it is surely now apparent that the protection of human rights in Afghanistan cannot ultimately be secured at the point of a foreign gun.但现在很显然,在阿富汗保护人权最终无法在外国枪口的威胁下实现。

10.But just to make it concrete and to see what's at stake, consider the dispibution of wealth in the United States.但是,为了让大家的思考能落实到具体的利害攸关点,我们可以考虑一下,美国的财富分配。