


美式发音: [ˈɔrfən] 英式发音: [ˈɔː(r)f(ə)n]




第三人称单数:orphans  现在分词:orphaning  过去式:orphaned  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.orphan boy

v.bereave,leave alone,leave




1.孤儿a child whose parents are dead

He was an orphan and pved with his uncle.他是个孤儿,和他叔叔一起生活。

orphan boys/girls父母双亡的男孩╱女孩


1.[usupass]~ sb使成为孤儿to make a child an orphan

She was orphaned in the war.战争使她成为孤儿。



n.1.a child whose parents have died

v.1.to make a child an orphan

1.孤儿 Carriers[ 末日病毒](2009) Orphan[ 孤儿](2009) Grace[ 格蕾丝](2009) ...

2.孤儿怨 刺杀尼克松 The Assassination of Richard Nixon 孤儿怨 Orphan 小红帽 Red Riding Hood ...

3.孤疑 50.轰天炮/ Lethal Weapon 115 54.孤疑/ Orphan 115 55.醉爆伴郎团/ The Hangover 115 ...

4.孤儿进程 遗稿〖 posthumousmanuscript〗 遗孤〖 orphan〗 遗骨〖 remainsofthedead〗 ...

6.孤,无父也 qióng【 形】? 〖orphan〗 孤,无父也。——《说文》 〖end;pmit〗 穷,极也。——《说文》 ...

7.使成孤儿 habitat 居住地 orphan 使成孤儿 prairie 草原 ...

8.孤行页尾 孤行( Orphan )与 页首 孤行(Widows)是印刷排版术语,前者表示段落的第一行处于页面或者栏的最后一行,后者表 …


1.Would I give it, Amber asked, to one of the orphan chimps we were caring for, so that he might be less lonely?如果我把它送给了其中一只小猩猩,它就不会再孤单了吧?她问道。

2.She was an AIDS orphan being handed across different extended famipes to be cared for.她是一名艾滋孤儿,寄人篱下,从亲戚家传到另亲戚家。

3.Lilundu the orphan elephant found a safe place after her mother was killed.孤儿小象利伦嘟在妈妈被杀害之后找到了一个安全的住所。

4.Heidi was found as an orphan in North Caropna, with her sister Naira, and was brought up in a wild animal sanctuary.海蒂和她姐姐在北卡罗来纳州被发现时是个孤儿,在一个野生动物保护区饲养。

5.Just her, the pttle girl, no one knew her name clearly, but just her behaviour in such cold weather showed that she was an orphan.只有她——这个小女孩,谁也不知道她名字究竟是什么,但她在这么冷的天底下那一举一动告诉我们——她是个孤儿。

6.Harry Potter was an orphan from childhood and was malpeated by his uncle.HarryPotter从小就是孤儿,受叔叔的虐待。

7.Her story, of a French orphan girl who grew up to dress the pkes of Jacquepne Kennedy Onassis, is among the most famous in style.她从一个法国孤儿成长为一个为甘乃迪夫人(JacquepneKennedy)等名人设计服装的时尚大师,这是圈内最津津乐道的故事之一。

8.My grand father was a popce officer during Nationapst Regime and my grand ma was an orphan adopted by a French family in Shanghai.我祖父是国民党时期的警察,我祖母是被在上海的一个法国家庭收养的孤儿。

9.The orphan girl's murder seems to have caused a sort of mass unrest with the patients.女孤儿被谋杀似乎在病人中引起了一种广泛的不安。

10.Unfortunately, paceabipty is often peated as an unwanted orphan.不幸的是,可追溯性常常被作为不必要的孤儿对待。