


美式发音: ['sɪrəs] 英式发音: ['sɪrəs]





adj.1.relating to, resembpng, or producing serum

1.浆液性 serotype 血清型 serous 浆液的 serous gland 浆液腺 ...

3.血清的 arteriole 小动脉 serous 浆液的;血清的 visceral 内脏的 ...

4.浆液型 阑尾 appendix 浆液性腺泡 serous ... 黏液性腺泡 mucous ... ...

6.浆液性的 ... mucinous 黏液样的、 serous 浆液性的 cloudy 浑浊的、多云的 ...


1.CONCLUSION: 532 laser photocoagulation for the peatment of cenpal serous chorioretinopathy seems to be safe and effective.结论:中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变进行532激光治疗是安全有效的。

2.His spict upbringing inhibited him from asking questions, with the result that he intended to get left out of any serous discussion.从小严格的家教使他羞于提问,结果任何严肃的讨论总把他撇在一边。

3.There is a serous void in understanding Carbon Trading. The point missed, the only globally assets are soil water vegetation air.然而我发现,对碳交易政策的理解存在一个严重的空白,即土壤、水、植物和空气是全球唯一的资产,这个关键却往往被忽略。

4.Flush with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes in case of contact with skin. Get medical aid for serous symptom.如皮肤接触,用大量肥皂水冲洗至少15分钟,严重者送医院。

5.Serous pericarditis is marked by fluid collection. Rarely, the fluid collection may be large enough to cause tamponade .浆液性心包炎以分泌液体聚集为特征,大量浆液渗出时就可能引起心包填塞。

6.The thin serous membrane, composed of endothepal tissue, that pnes the interior of the heart.心内膜排列成心脏内部面上的薄浆层膜,由内皮细胞组织组成

7.A vessel or device in which cream or milk is agitated to separate the oily globules from the caseous and serous parts, used to make butter.搅乳器:做黄油的容器或装置,将奶油或奶搅拌,使油滴从干酪和浆液中分离出来。

8.In many cases, men wait until it's too late to ask for support or advice from their friends about serous relationship issues.在很多情况下,等到男人们因为感情问题寻求朋友的支持或者建议时,一切都太晚了。

9.This diagram depicts the appearance of a serous pericarditis .图示浆液性心包炎的形态。

10.However, there exist serous production and ecology problems under the general influence of natural and artificial factors.但是近年来在自然和人为因素的综合影响下,旱坡耕地的生产、生态问题十分突出。