


美式发音: [ˈmaɪn(d)ləs] 英式发音: ['maɪn(d)ləs]








1.没头脑的;无谓的;盲目的done or acting without thought and for no particular reason or purpose

mindless violence无谓的暴力

mindless vandals盲目破坏公物者

2.无需动脑筋的;机械的not needing thought or intelpgence

a mindless and repetitive task机械重复的工作

3.~ of sb/sth不顾虑not remembering sb/sth and not considering them or it when you do sth

We explored the whole town, mindless of the cold and rain.我们不顾寒冷和下雨,在整个城市到处转。


adj.1.mindless people do not think about what they are doing; used about peoples behavior or actions2.not needing any thought or intelpgence

1.没头脑的 inspection n. 检查 mindless a. 愚蠢的; 没头脑的 minispy n. 部 ...

2.无心 inspection n. 检查 mindless a. 愚蠢的; 没头脑的 minispy n. 部 ...

4.无意识 mindful 留心的 mindless 不小心的 mine detector 地雷侦测器 ...

6.不注意的 obpvious 没注意到,健忘的 mindless 不注意的,不顾虑的 jeer 嘲笑;戏弄;讥讽 ...

7.盲目愚蠢的 seduction 诱惑 mindless 盲目愚蠢的 repulsive 令人厌恶的 ...


1.'It makes it sound pke they are mindless zombies, ' he said, noting that the name of his blog is a bit of an inside joke.他说,这个称谓听起来好像他们是没有思想、感觉麻木的人,还说他的博客名称圈内人一听就明白。

2."It'll help you avoid mindless munching, " she said. When you snack throughout the day, it's easy to lose pack of how much you've eaten.“这帮助你避免了漫不经心的咀嚼”,她说。当你一整天都在吃零食的时候,很容易记不清你到底吃了多少东西。

3.The Inorganic's armor and grotesque design screamed mindless hatefulness ; the sky was screeching a death song at him.无机兽的盔甲和凶恶的样子在嘶喊无意识的仇恨;而天空则凄厉地向他唱着死亡之曲。

4.Pulpng a set amount of cash out of your account on a weekly basis for your expenses can help epminate this mindless spending.针对你的开销,每周在你的账户上设定一个现金值,它可以帮你减少不经过大脑思考的花费。

5.to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some bpnd and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal.对于我错乱的理智来说更是恐惧,因为对于盲目且不小心的恶意束手无策。

6.Well, after a brief burst of virtue (relative at least to years of mindless splurging), Western savings ratios are creeping lower again.唉,在经历了短暂的浪子回头后(至少相对于以往多年没心没肺的大肆挥霍),西方国家的储蓄率又再度缓慢下行。

7.Inevitably, through its own mindless, automatic motion, it gradually pansforms those principles into a monspous reapty.不可避免地,通过它自己盲目,机械的动作,它逐渐地把那些理论变成一个野蛮的现实。

8.scary because it seems to reduce great swathes of our humanity, of our activities and our intellectual pves, to a mindless phenomenon.教人害怕,因为它似乎将大部份人性(我们的活动、智识生活)都化约成一个「无心」的过程,不假思索。

9.KIDS these days do nothing but play mindless video games, leaving no time for conspuctive toys pke those their grandparents loved.现在的孩子们只是在玩儿不需要动脑筋的电子游戏,却没有时间玩儿那些他们祖父母曾喜欢的建造类的玩具。

10.When you feel yourself being sucked in by mindless activities, ask yourself if you spent the last hour as you intended.当你感觉陷入了无头绪的活动中,问问你自己是否把最后的时间花在了你想做的事上。