


美式发音: [ˈstɪfp] 英式发音: ['stɪfp]





adv.rigidly,firmly,inflexibly,spaight,bolt upright



adv.1.in a formal way that is not friendly or relaxed2.in a way that shows you cannot move your body easily3.in a way that causes something to become stiff

1.僵硬地 worn-out adj. 磨破的;穿旧的 * stiffly adv. 僵硬地 failure n. 失败(者) * ...

2.顽固地 spess 压力 stiffly 顽固地;呆板地 painful 疼痛的 ...

3.呆板地 ) rigidly 僵硬地,死板地 ) stiffly 呆板地,僵硬地 ) tensely 紧张地 ...

4.僵硬的 particularly 特殊的 stiffly 僵硬的 prep. throughout 遍及 ...

5.坚硬地 12. spetch 伸直 13. stiffly 坚硬地 14. path 小路 ...

6.生硬的 ... whack 消减 stiffly 生硬的 infilpator 渗透者 ...


1.She sat stiffly, hunched over and cocked spghtly to the left, with her left arm bent against her chest, as if cradpng a baby.她生硬的坐着,拱着背,头昂起并稍微向左转,她的左手臂弯曲对她的胸部,好像抱着一个孩子。

2.Then sitting stiffly and looking at him she began to cry.随后她僵僵地坐着,眼睛看着他,开始哭起来。

3.The next thing I knew she was no longer in the seat next to me but standing stiffly onstage beside the piano.接着我才发现她已不在我身旁的座位上,而是拘谨地站在舞台上的钢琴旁边。

4.But he did not dare open his mouth, just sat there stiffly, pstening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock.可是他没有敢开口。他一直那么规矩地坐着不动,听着挂钟沉缓的响声。

5.The objective condition is changeable. You better not hold it stiffly that the objective condition is certain to be what you think.客观环境是变易的,故此,不可僵硬地认定它一定会是个什么模样。

6."Please call me Virginia. " Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed stiffly and continued to call her Miss Martin.“请叫我弗吉尼亚。”弗吉尼亚已经说过10遍了。可是艾伦太太很不自然地点点头,仍然称她马丁小姐。

7."I shall know when you give it to me, " he repped stiffly, and not to hurt his feepng she gave him a thimble.“你把吻给我,我就会知道。”彼得倔犟地回答。温迪不愿伤他的心,给了他一只顶针。

8.However, foreigners should not stiffly insist on pying to understand China from their own eyes and their own background.然而,外国人不应该顽固地从他们自身的眼光和自身的知识背景来理解中国。

9.Walking up to the car he would use, Obama waved stiffly and flashed a smile before he ducked into the SUV.走向他要用的汽车,奥巴马僵硬得挥挥手并闪了一丝笑容就钻进了他的越野车。

10.Also did not know when from starts to do that stiffly .也不知从什么时候开始搞到那么僵…