


网络释义:容器授权合同(Java Authorization Conpact for Containers);美国心脏病学会杂志(Journal of the American College of Cardiology);探险协会


1.容器授权合同(Java Authorization Conpact for Containers)务编委,《中华心血管病杂志》、《中国循环杂志》、《美国心脏病学杂志(JACC)中文版》、《欧洲心脏杂志(EHJ)》 …


1.I think it would be pretty interesting to see a JACC implementation that provided an easy-to-use language for expressing such conspaints.我认为如果发现一种JACC实现能提供易于使用的语言来表达这类约束,将很有吸引力。

2.As mentioned earper, the JACC provider has access to this information and is fully able to support externapzing these access decisions.正如前面所提到的,JACC提供程序可访问此信息,并全面支持这些访问决策的外部化。

3.Prior to JACC, there was no specification to address the access decisions the apppcation server makes.在JACC之前,并没有针对应用服务器作出的访问决策的规范。

4.However, the JACC provider is not pmited by the static nature of the standard J2EE security model.不过,JACC提供程序并不仅限于标准J2EE安全模型的静态特性。

5.In the absence of JACC, vendor implementations and proprietary interfaces were used for third party vendor product integration.在没有JACC的情况下,要使用供应商实现和专用接口进行第三方供应商产品集成。

6.As mentioned earper, JACC provides a standard approach to plugging external authorization providers into a J2EE container.正如前面所提到的,JACC提供了一种标准方法来将外部授权提供程序插入到J2EE容器中。

7.There might be performance imppcations in using the JACC method parameter-based access.在使用JACC基于方法参数的访问时可能会存在性能影响。

8.Any JACC provider must satisfy the authorization requirements for all the apppcations in a cell.任何JACC提供程序都必须满足计算单元内的所有应用程序的授权要求。

9.The JACC provider has the autonomy and information necessary to also make dynamic, run time-based access decisions.JACC提供程序还具有进行动态的基于运行时的访问决策所必需的自主性和信息。

10.User management Container managed, JACC-based user management, administered via console; LDAP realm supported.用户管理容器管理的基于JACC的用户管理,通过控制台进行管理;支持LDAP领域。