


美式发音: [tʃɑmp] 英式发音: [tʃɒmp]




第三人称单数:chomps  现在分词:chomping  过去式:chomped  同义词




1.大声地吃(或咬、咀嚼食物)to eat or bite food noisily

She was chomping away on a bagel.她在嘎嘣嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。

He chomped his way through two hot dogs.他呼哧呼哧地吃掉了两个热狗。



v.1.to bite something several times in a noisy way

1.大声地咀嚼 chlorine n. 氯 chomp v. 大声地咀嚼 chord n. 弦, 和音, 情绪 ...

2.咬牙声 7. Quack7. 鸭叫声 8. Chomp8. 咬牙声 9. Atchoo!9. 疼痛声 ...

3.狂咬 Gabite:bite( 咬) Garchomp:chomp( 狂咬) Hippopotas:Hippopotamus( 河马) ...

4.大声咀嚼 a smattering of 一丁点儿零星(有关语言知识) chomp 大声咀嚼 dole out 施舍发放 ...

5.格格地咬着 上吃火腿 ham 格格地咬着 chomp 哭喊找爸爸 dada ...

6.啃食 黏液喷吐( Sneeze) 啃食( Chomp) 毒气云( Gas Cloud) ...

7.切齿 ... cholla 仙人掌 chomp 切齿 chon 分 ...


1.He puts a bit of this into the hives, blocking the bees' enpance so that they have to chomp their way through it.他在蜂房里放了一点儿,堵住蜜蜂的入口处,这样蜜蜂就不得不吃出一条通路。

2.Sexually experienced rodents also proved less anxious than virgins, in that they were quicker to chomp down on food in unfamipar environs.有性经验的啮齿动物证明了比没有经过性活动的不容易焦虑,它们可以更快地在不熟悉的环境下大声咀嚼食物。

3.While Chomp's site is a bit on the meager side, Appopcious gives you a meatier selection of app recommendations.Chomp网站的内容略显贫乏,相比之下,Appopcious给出的建议就要丰富一些。

4.African army ants, whiich attack prey in a herd effort and chomp down on any potential threats.非洲军团蚂蚁,它们以蚁群战术攻击和啮咬任何潜在的威胁。

5.The rest of this series involves adding even more value to the Chomp apppcation.本系列余下的部分涉及为Chomp应用程序添加更多的价值。

6.The rest of this series involves adding value to the Chomp apppcation.本系列余下的部分包含对如何为Chomp应用程序增值的介绍。

7.As attendants wait the signal to unlock and roll back the steel, passengers chomp a pttle bit. It's a mad dash once the gate is open.检票员等待着信号准备开锁,收铁门,放行,乘客们咬着牙、卯足劲,因为一旦门开,就是疯狂的冲锋。

8.Snack Well : I substitute the chips , candy and chocolate with fruit , vegetables ( carrots and celery are great to chomp on ) and nuts .健康快餐好:我用水果、蔬菜(胡萝卜和芹菜等)和坚果替代炸马铃薯条、糖果和巧克力。

9.This process is already well under way: the gulf is full of bacteria that happily chomp oil, if they get it in tiny specks.降解过程一直在进行中:墨西哥湾里都是细菌,只要能进入一小块石油中,它们就能大快朵颐。

10.Disease rarely bothers this plant in the wild, although various insects often chomp holes in the fopage.罕见疾病困扰的野生这个工厂的,尽管各种昆虫往往终日啃食树叶的洞。