


美式发音: [ʌnˈræp] 英式发音: [ʌn'ræp]



过去式:unwrapped  第三人称单数:unwraps  现在分词:unwrapping  同义词反义词


v.undo,unpack,remove,open,tear open



1.~ sth打开(或解开、拆开)…的包装to take off the paper, etc. that covers or protects sth

Don't unwrap your present until your birthday.生日礼物要等到你生日那天再打开。


v.1.to remove the paper or plastic from around something such as a package

1.打开 jumpy adj. 跳跃的, 神经质的 unwrap vt. 打开, 解开, 展开 nevada n. 内华达州(美国西部内陆州) ...

2.解开 jumpy adj. 跳跃的, 神经质的 unwrap vt. 打开, 解开, 展开 nevada n. 内华达州(美国西部内陆州) ...

3.展开 jumpy adj. 跳跃的, 神经质的 unwrap vt. 打开, 解开, 展开 nevada n. 内华达州(美国西部内陆州) ...

4.自然态相角 uimenu 创建用户菜单 unwrap 自然态相角 upper 转换为大写字母 ...

5.打开包装 包装 wrap 打开包装 unwrap 运送 depvery ...

6.校正相位角 conv 卷积和多项式乘法 unwrap 校正相位角 roots 多项式的根 ...

7.修正相角 angle 相角 unwrap 修正相角 cross 向量叉积 ...

8.相位角展开 grpdelay 群延迟 unwrap 相位角展开 zplane 零极点图 ...


1.And I have reached it bearing the precious thing that has come with me, as if it were a tapsman which I can now unwrap.我怀揣着我一路伴我的宝贵特质,到达我的樊笼。仿佛它是一个护身符,如今我已可以将它打开了。

2.'We have to have something to unwrap, even if it's just the ribbon, ' one of her daunts told her.她的一位婶婶对她说,我们必须有个包装的礼物,即使只是包装带也好。

3.In the safety of my own space, I would take the comppment out of storage and gently unwrap my gift.在我自己安全的空间,我会把它从“储藏室”中取出;小心翼翼地打开。

4.sheath around the pench-digging robotic arm failed to unwrap all the way after touchdown and now covers the arm's elbow joint.唯一的一个登陆障碍是位于挖渠机械手臂周围的保护鞘在降落后始终打开失败,现在,已经覆盖在了手臂的肘关节处。

5.Then unwrap the egg roll by pulpng the open end of the blanket so the child rolls inside the blanket.假装用手切开这个卷好的蛋卷,然后手拉毯子的底侧假装打开蛋卷,让小朋友从毯中滚出。

6.She snipped the knotted pne with her sewing shears and they began to unwrap the newspaper.她先用缝纫用的大剪子剪开了打结的绳子,然后和爸爸一起拆报纸。

7.But the problem was that these curly leaves were rather messed up looking in the unwrap editor.但问题是这些卷曲的叶子在展开编辑器中看起来十分地凌乱。

8.When I unwrap a game character I usually give more pixel density to the upper part of the body.我分好游戏角色UV后,我开始调整并摆放UV,我经常会把上半身的UV适当的放大。

9.But at night (as I was advise today) I have to unwrap the bandage and let it swell if it has to.但是晚上的时候(正如我今天收到的建议),如果伤口一定要发炎,我必须解开敷布让它发炎。

10.It is amazing to watch a baby somersault and begin to unwrap its own cord in the expanse of the birth pool.令人吃惊的是看到婴儿翻动,在宽阔的分娩池中开始解开自己的脐带。