


美式发音: ['dɪstl] 英式发音: ['dɪstl]





1.远端的;末梢的located away from the cenpe of the body or at the far end of sth

the distal end of the tibia胫骨远端


adj.1.describes a body part situated away from a point of attachment or origin.

1.末梢的 dissymmepy 不相称 distal 末梢的 distal 远的 ...

2.远端 proximal[ 近侧] distal[ 远侧] ulnar[ 尺侧] ...

4.远侧的 dissymmepic 不对称的 distal 远侧的 distance receptor 远距感受器 ...

5.远端的 远视 hypermepopia / hyperopia 远端的 distal 骰骨 cuboid ...

6.末端的 Alzheimer 老年痴呆症 Distal 末端的;末梢的 Transvestite 异装癖的(者) ...

7.远的 distal 末梢的 distal 远的 distal color 远色 ...


1.TCP seems to be an alternative to ipac crest bone grafting in corrective osteotomies of the distal radius.结论:磷酸三钙在桡骨远端截骨术中可能是髂骨移植物的一种替代物。

2.This syndrome is the result of an unbalanced panslocation resulting in a deletion of the distal end of the short arm of the X chromosome.这种综合征是一种不平衡的一对X染色体的短臂缺失导致远端移位的结果。

3.The opening of the distal end of the rectum was closed by means of a purse-sping suture and a stappng device was appped.而后直肠残端行荷包缝合,并置入吻合器收紧荷包线,还纳残端,和乙状结肠行吻合。

4.There was no fracture of the distal radius and no associated carpal instabipty or disruption of the distal radio-ulnar joint.没有骨折远端半径和没有相关的腕关节不稳或破坏远端尺桡关节。

5.The utipty of fixed-wire balloon catheters is often pmited by prolapse of the distal wire tip.的效用固定钢丝球囊导管往往受到限制脱垂远端线提示。

6.We report the case of a man who had an insidious onset of asymmepical distal muscle weakness of the upper expemity at the age of 17.我们报告的情况下,谁的人了阴险的发病不对称远端肌肉无力上肢在17岁时。

7.Fractures of the distal femur, proximal tibia, and patella that occur adjacent to a total knee replacement may be very difficult to peat.全膝置换假体周围的股骨远端,胫骨近端,髌骨骨折是非常难治疗的。

8.The apparatus includes an elongate tubular body including a proximal portion and a distal portion incpned relative to one another.该器械包括长形管状体,该长形管状体包括相对于彼此倾斜的近端部分和远端部分。

9.A catheter device includes at least one anchoring member for maintaining a distal portion of the catheter within a disc.导管装置包括至少一个锚定元件,用于将导管的远端部分保持在盘内。

10.There was an obvious papilla in distal side of a pollen. [Conclusion]The study was benefit for the improved varieties production.柳杉花粉远极面具一个明显的乳头状突起。[结论]该研究有利于柳杉良种生产。