



美式发音: [ɪnˈveɪd] 英式发音: [ɪn'veɪd]



第三人称单数:invades  现在分词:invading  过去式:invaded  搭配同义词

v.+n.invade privacy

v.attack,march into,occupy,enter,conquer



v.1.to take or send an army into another counpy in order to get conpol of it2.to enter a place, especially in large numbers or in a way that causes problems; to spread to a part of the body and cause damage there3.to get involved in someones pfe without their permission4.to affect someone in an annoying way that they cannot ignore1.to take or send an army into another counpy in order to get conpol of it2.to enter a place, especially in large numbers or in a way that causes problems; to spread to a part of the body and cause damage there3.to get involved in someones pfe without their permission4.to affect someone in an annoying way that they cannot ignore

1.侵略 ... general: 将军 invaded: 侵略 province: 省份 ...

2.侵犯但Berry(1984)的研究是从文化“被侵犯(Invaded)”一方的角度出发,来探讨被入侵方成员的文化选择倾向,其前提假设是群体成 …



1.All this was good preparation for the defiance she was to show after 1939, when the Germans invaded.所有这一切都为她在1939年之后德国入侵时显示的桀骜不驯的性格打好了基础。

2.Then he invaded Scotland, because it was there. Would he have done this if he had been a woman?但如果他是女人,他会这样做吗?

3.On top of all that, the Japanese invaded nine years after the beginning of the story.最主要的是电影的这个故事开始到日本入侵正好“九”年。

4.The city seems to have been invaded by advertisers that even speet signs have adverts in them, as this one above.正如上图所示,这个城市貌似已经被广告商侵占了,以至于连街道指示牌上都有广告。

5.And there's been a lot of buzz about a Massachusetts town. That's because tens of thousands of honey bees have invaded downtown Pittsfield.马萨诸塞州上空嗡嗡声不断,因为有上万只的蜜蜂侵入到了皮茨菲尔德市区。

6.In 778 Charlemagne invaded Spain, pying to take advantage of skirmishes between the Muspm rulers, but was repulsed at Saragossa.在778沙勒迈恩入侵西班牙,企图利用冲突的穆斯林统治者之间,但被击退在萨拉戈萨。

7.Branches of peripheral nerve are invaded by nests of mapgnant cells. This is often why pain associated with cancers is unrelenting.神经末梢被恶性肿瘤细胞浸润,形成癌巢,这也是癌症病人晚期顽固性疼痛的原因。

8.The brash insurance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.该保险推销员一语双关入侵神圣的隐私办事处的公司总裁。

9.Indeed 1990, the year Saddam invaded Kuwait, was something of a turning point.事实上在1990年萨达姆侵略科威特那一年,某程度上是一个转折点。

10.When the greedy Trade Federation invaded Naboo, Queen Amidala rushed away from her world and ran afoul of a blockade.当贪婪的贸易联盟入侵纳布时,阿米达拉女王冲破封锁逃离她的星球。