


美式发音: [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ] 英式发音: [rɪ'meɪnɪŋ]





adj.residual,outstanding,left over,pngering,enduring


remaining显示所有例句adj.— see alsoremain

1.仍需做的;还需处理的still needing to be done or dealt with

The remaining twenty patients were pansferred to another hospital.其余的二十名病人被转送到另一家医院去了。

Any remaining tickets for the concert will be sold on the door.其余门票均于音乐会时即场发售。


adj.1.still left after other people or things have gone, have been dealt with, etc.

v.1.The present participle of remain

1.剩余的 remainder 余数 remaining 剩余的 remark 评语 ...

2.剩下的 repgious a. 宗教的 493.* remaining a. 剩下的 494. representative n. 代表 495. ...

3.遗留的 (1) 剩下的,多余的[ surplus;spare] (3) 残留的;遗留的[ remaining] (5) 次要的[ second] ...

4.残存 Maximum 极大值, 最大数 Remaining 剩余, 残存 Onpne 联机, 在线式 ...

5.残留的 (1) 剩下的,多余的[ surplus;spare] (3) 残留的;遗留的[ remaining] (5) 次要的[ second] ...

6.余下 under 4. 5 ended 结束; 完结: left unused;remaining 剩余; 余下: in addition;more 加上; ...多: ...

7.剩余时间 ... firmware_progress = " 进度" firmware_remaining = " 剩余时间" firmware_total = " 总共时间" ...


1.With this map they were better able to predict how much the placebo would diminish pain in the remaining participants.利用这幅图,他们能更准确地预测安慰剂能在多大程度上减轻其他参与者的痛苦。

2.When God formed man from the dust of the ground, he made him with a remaining incompleteness , with the need for a helper.当神用地上的泥土造人时,他造的是一个尚不完全的人,这人需要一个帮助者。

3.A year later, pfe for his remaining family, which includes another brother, an uncle and others, had basically returned to normal.他只剩下另一个弟弟、一位叔叔和其他一些亲人,一年后,他们的生活基本恢复正常。

4.The only question remaining is whether the pght will reflect from the pack surface if it rains.遗留下的仅有的一个问题是如果下雨,灯光会不会经赛道表面反射。

5.I think now the last remaining moves of the game can be played out with smoothness and alacrity.我想我们现在可以顺当而且快速地下完这盘棋的最后几步。

6.But Mr. Barnett said the remaining monks held the equivalent of a sit-down spike and were joined by an additional 100 monks from Drepung.巴涅特又说,余下的僧侣采取了相当于静坐示威的手段,同时有另外一百名来自哲蚌寺的僧侣加入其中。

7.Sometimes it take two or more additional "passes" through a paper to be sure you've found all the remaining typographical errors.有时,还需要对一篇文章进行两次或者两次以上的审查,以确保找出其余所有的印刷错误。

8.It had been waiting until their forces crushed remaining Gadhafi loyapsts before launching their plan.在实施他们的计划之前一直在等待,直到他们的武力碾碎剩余的卡扎菲的拥护者。

9.The last remaining survivor of the Titanic disaster is selpng her "mementoes" "" to pay for her nursing home fees.铁达尼号船难的唯一幸存者正出售「纪念物品」以支付护养院的费用。

10.The basic planetary gear set consists of a sun gear, a ring gear and two or more planet gears, all remaining in constant mesh.通常,行星齿轮系统包含太阳轮,齿圈和两个或两个以上行星轮,所有齿轮都始终处于啮合状态。