


美式发音: [ˈɛdo] 英式发音: [ˈi:dəu]


网络释义:江户;扩展数据输出(Extended Data Out);埃多州



n.1.a member of a people pving in the Benin region of Nigeria2.the language of the Edo people, belonging to the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo family of languages.

1.江户 ... W-OFDM: 是宽带正交频分复用 EDO: 扩展数据输出 FPM: 快页式内存 ...


4.江户时代 DH CP 动态主机配置协议 EDO 扩充数据输出 EFS 加密文件系统 ...

6.射精管梗阻(ejaculatory duct obspuction)射精管梗阻(EDO)是少数几种可通过手术纠正的无精子症的原因之一。随着精浆生化检测技术和经直肠前列腺精囊超声技术(…


1.It was also during Edo times that the mechanical dolls or automatons of varying complexity known as karakuri ningyo came into being.也是在江户时代,机械玩偶或被称为karakuri,从此复杂程度不同的自动机器应运而生。

2.One Edo period practice is particularly conspicuous across Japan at the beginning of this month.本月初在日本重演全国江户时代的做法特别令人瞩目。

3.Castaways event was an important channel for exchanges between Japan and china during the Edo period.漂流事件是江户时代日中两国交往的重要渠道。

4.Geisha have been confused with the Edo period's high-class courtesans known as oiran, from whom they evolved.艺妓已经被与江户时期被称为“花魁”的高级妓女混淆了,由此演变而来。

5.The victor of a late 16th-century civil war was the shogun of Edo, which became Tokyo, the imperial capital.十七世纪晚期的国内战争中,获胜者是江户幕府,最后成为帝国之都——东京。

6.Consisting of three parts in chronological order, the scope of this study is confined to the time from Nara period to Edo-period.本课题的研究范围限定在奈良平安时代至江户时代明治维新之前的日本古代范围内。

7.The koicha, prepared in an Edo-period bowl of the deepest clay colour, is to be used by each guest in turn.每位客人依次品味用江户时代深色陶碗泡的浓茶。

8.EDO Corporation designs and manufactures a diverse range of products for defense, intelpgence, and commercial markets.EDO公司设计和制造一系列国防、情报与商用产品。

9.The ceramics speet prospered in the Edo era 300 years ago, and ceramics Festival was held several years ago, but do not now.这条陶瓷品街在300年前的江户时代非常繁荣,甚至陶瓷品节在几年前还曾举行,但是现在没有了。

10.EDO DRAM is the cheapest and slowest of the three, and is mostly used in older computers.EDODRAM是三种类型中最便宜但也是速度最慢的,大多用在老式计算机中。