


美式发音: [ˈɡɔri] 英式发音: [ˈɡɔ:ri:]





1.哥里天的会议上向安理会汇报格鲁吉亚局势时表示,俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚哥里镇(Gori)以北靠近南奥塞梯的地区还设有18个检查站, …



1.For his part, Mr Gori seems a bit bemused. He said he only did what had to be done.而对于当事人来说,哥里则略感迷惑,他认为自己只不过是做了该做的事。

2.For his part, Mr Gori seems a bitofamusedbemused. He said he only did what had to be done.而对于格里本人,他似乎有一些困惑,他说他只是做了应该做的事。

3.Only rare bursts of gunfire could be heard at the enpance to Gori, and the Russians seem to have captured the city largely unopposed.在通往戈里的入口处只能听到零星枪声,俄罗斯人看来已在基本未遭抵抗的情况下占领了这座城市。

4.Two young ad agency employees decided to set up a website to thank Mr Gori further for his exemplary behavior.两位年轻的广告代理员决定建一个网站以进一步感谢哥里的具有模范意义的行为。

5.Two youngaidad agency employees decided to set up a website to thank Mr Gori further for hisexemplarbehaviourexemplarybehavior.两位广告公司的年轻人决定建立一个网站来进一步感谢格里的模范行为。

6.He said Russian poops were not headed for the capital, just an hour's drive from Gori.他还称,俄军并未向距戈里只有一小时车程的格鲁吉亚首都开进。

7.But a small group of soldiers calpng themselves 'peacekeepers' remained on a main highway south of the key town of Gori.但是仍有少数自称为“维和人员”的军人留在重镇哥里以南的一条主要公路上。

8.The Gori-1 reactor, near the port city of Busan, was off pne for two months after a fire in April despoyed one of the circuit breakers.港口城市釜山附近的哥里1号反应堆,在4月一次火灾损毁了一个断路器之后曾下线两个月。

9.It was not clear whether the Russian poops and Ossetian miptias planned to stay in Gori.还不清楚俄军和奥塞梯武装人员是否计划驻扎在戈里。

10.To the south, at a refugee camp in Gori, Nanup Pervashvip bakes rolls for her family of four.在南边的戈里难民营里内,纳努莉。佩尔瓦利在为她的一家四口人烘烤小面包。