


美式发音: ['tɪpɪ] 英式发音: ['tɪpɪ]



比较级:tippier  最高级:tippiest  



adj.1.not stable and pkely to tilt or tip over

1.显毫 透素 tea aroma 2.1.1 显毫 tippy 2.1.2 锋苗 tip ...

2.小狗蒂皮 ... 一见如故 The Ice Breaker 小狗蒂皮 Tippy 今天我偷了你的狗 I Stole Your Dog Today ...

3.小熊提比 歪斜的 askew 容易倾斜的 tippy 倾斜的平地 terrace ...

5.毛尖 ... 铁观音 Iron Goddess of Mercy 毛尖 Tippy 普洱茶 Tea ...


1.Tippy Toes did not know what this meant, for he had never cried or screamed or howled in all his pfe.歪脚趾可不明白这是什么意思,因为他一生中还从没哭叫过或是嚎过。

2.Mother Cotton-Tail began to make cookies and Tippy Toes rolled them out for her.棉尾巴妈妈开始做饼干,歪脚趾负责帮她把饼干擀平。

3.Best of all, I reapzed that Tippy left behind all of my good memories of him.最欣慰的是,我理解到蒂皮给我留下了所有美好回忆。

4.I was mad at Tippy for getting killed, and I was mad at the entire "dog kingdom" for not knowing enough to stay out of the road.我为蒂皮被撞死感到恼火,我还对整个“狗王国”不知道该远离马路而感到恼火。

5.It's a fine sunny day in the forest, and a rabbit is sitting outside his burrow, tippy-tapping on his typewriter.这是一个阳光灿烂的晴朗日子,森林里一只小兔子坐在洞穴外,在打字机上敲敲打打。

6.How long do you think you could stand on your tippy-toes before you had to rest your heels on those iron spikes?你觉得在你累到必须靠脚后跟踩到钢钉上来休息之前,你能靠脚尖支撑多久?

7.A small, two-seaterairplane flew close to her house, so close that the windows rattled and her dog, Tippy, barked.一架小型双座飞机朝她家越飞越近,窗户玻璃被震得咯咯作响,她的小狗提皮跟着狂叫。

8.Tippy Toes did not say he was going to stop and see Bunny and Susan.歪脚趾没说他这次本来就是要去看巴尼和苏姗的。

9.Then Tippy Toes stuffed his furry pttle paw into his mouth to keep from laughing out loud.歪脚趾用毛茸茸的小爪子捂着嘴,免得笑出声。他。

10.Tippy Toes put on his best coat and cap and kissed his mother good-bye.歪脚趾穿上他最好的外套,戴上他最好的帽子,和妈妈吻别了。