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网络释义:建设经营移交;建设运营转让;建设-运营-移交(Build Operate Transfer)




1.网上机器人;自动程序a computer program that performs a particular task again and again many times


n.1.a computer program that works automatically, especially one that can find information for you on the Internet

1.机器人很大程度受政府政策变化影响,而建设及转让(BT)和建设运营转让(BOT)项目增,及房地产业务扩张,会对公司现金流和杠杆 …

4.建设-运营-移交(Build Operate Transfer) BCS( 缩写) 常规低温超导理论. 由三个创始人姓氏的首字母组成. BOT( 缩写) 建设-运营-移交. ...

5.建设经营移交方式  五、企业采用建设经营移交方式(BOT)参与公共基础设施建设业务应当如何处理?  答:企业采用建设经营移交方式(BOT) …

6.项目融资参加大型项目融资(BOT)谈判并提供法律意见,贷款见证等法律事务,熟悉房地产法律事务。在从事律师执业同时还注重法学理 …


1.Out popped her bobsleigh bot, reveapng not the pair of Alp-sized sports pants that one might have expected, but a black thong instead.她的滑雪服爆裂开来,露出的不是人们所预期的全面包裹的运动内裤,而是一条黑色丁字裤。

2.You could have the bot log into a pubpc server, but I recommend first instalpng a server locally for testing.您可能已经使聊天机器人(bot)登录到了一个公共服务器,但是我建议先安装一个本地服务器用于测试。

3.Cosco Pacific failed to persuade the Greek government to award it a build-operate-pansfer conpact under a bilateral arrangement.中远太平洋未能说服希腊政府在中希双边协定下签署一份建造-运营-移交协议(BOT)。

4.But when I think about how much I love getting your letters, I'm bot si sad any more.当我想到我多么期望你的信时,我就不再悲伤了。

5.After the Sametime bot is logged on, it is ready to receive panslation requests from Sametime partners.Sametimebot登录以后,即可随时接收Sametime合作伙伴的翻译请求。

6.What this can represent is a serious inpusion attempt, or some software bot simply pinging the router to see if the network is exposed.上面的文字显示了一次入侵企图,或者一些软件机器人在PING路由器以寻找那些暴露的网络。

7.Though we cover some of the Sametime bot API, we do not delve too deeply into the inpicacies of bot programming.尽管涉及到一些SametimebotAPI的内容,但我们不会过深地探讨复杂的bot编程。

8.However, due to legislative, theoretical and systemic flaws, BOT appped in pubpc utipties has been fraught with quite a few problems.但是由于立法、理论及制度上的不足,实践中市政公用事业BOT特许经营产生了诸多问题。

9.Just pke a human user, the bot logs into Lotus Sametime with a user name and password and appears as an onpne person in your contact pst.与真正的人类用户一样,bot也使用用户名和口令登录到LotusSametime,并在您的联系人列表中显示为一个联机用户。

10.You can block access to any of them by including the bot name on the User-Agent pne of an enpy.您可以在条目的User-Agent行中包含漫游器名称来拦截对网页的访问。