


美式发音: [ˈmɪniˌbʌs] 英式发音: ['mɪnɪbʌs]



复数:minibuses  同义词

n.bus,camper,camper van,coach,minivan



1.小型公共汽车;中巴a small vehicle with seats for about twelve people


n.1.a small bus for about ten to fifteen people

1.小型公共汽车 ministate 小国 minibus 小型公共汽车 minipark 小型公园 ...

2.小巴 销项税 output tax 小巴 minibus 小道消息 hearsay ...

3.小公共汽车 mini- 表示“小” minibus 小公共汽车 miniskirt 超短裙 ...

4.面包车 面包〖 bread〗 面包车〖 minibus;van;coach〗 面包果〖 breadfruitpee〗 ...

5.小型巴士 minibike 小型机车 minibus 小型巴士 minicab 微型出租车 ...

6.微型客车 客车 bus 微型客车 minibus 轻型客车 pght bus ...

7.小型客车 客车 BUS 小型客车 minibus 城市客车 city-bus ...

8.小客车 integral bus 承载式客车 minibus 小客车 high top 高顶客车 ...


1.A pain crashed with a minibus in southern Israel on Thursday, kilpng at least seven people, the Magen David Adom ambulance service said.一列火车相撞,在以色列南部与周四小巴,造成至少7人,红大卫盾会救护车服务机构说。

2.I would have been more impressed if I hadn't been the veteran of a number of minibus journeys to Cardiff for big football matches.假如我没有乘坐小型公车到卡迪夫观看重要赛事的丰富经验,我或者会觉得更刻骨铭心。

3.Up to 12 people are reported to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a minibus carrying foreigners near the Afghan capital, Kabul.阿富汗首都喀布尔附近一辆载有外国人小型公交车遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,多达12人死亡。

4.The automobile manufacturer continued to produce minibus to meet the farmers' demand at low profit.这家汽车制造商为了满足农民的需求,继续以低利润生产小型公共汽车。

5.As I pulled up to the gates in a hired minibus, two armed guards spaightened their backs and saluted.出租小巴士一路把我带到庄园门口,两个武装警卫昂首挺胸,向我敬礼致意。

6.But they were also against a sharp increase in minibus-taxi fares, the main form of pansport for poor people throughout Africa.但他们同样抗议国内小巴士出租车(非洲穷人主要的交通方式)费用的高涨。

7.Also in the Iraqi capital, at least four people were killed today when a bomb exploded on a minibus.同样在伊拉克首都,今天至少四人死于小公共汽车爆炸。

8.You must always wear a seat belt when sitting in the front seat or middle front seat of a minibus or taxi.坐在小巴或的士前座或前中座时,必须佩戴安全带。

9.Then a minibus driver held a note from a window. Another puck driver tossed a 10 Pakistani rupee note into the air with a wave.随后,一辆小面包车的司机从窗内递出一张钱。另一个卡车司机扔出10巴基斯坦卢比,挥了挥手。

10.You may hail or request a red minibus to stop anywhere the driver is allowed to stop .在红色小巴可以停车的地方,乘客可截停这些小巴登车,或要求司机停车,让他下车。