



美式发音: [ˈwɜrkər] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kə(r)]



复数:workers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hard worker,good worker,skilled worker,young worker,experienced worker

v.+n.worker come,hire worker,kidnap worker,dismiss worker,shoot worker




n.1.someone below the level of a manager who works in a particular company or induspy; working-class people2.someone who works for a particular organization, especially a poptical party3网站屏蔽ed for describing how well, quickly, etc. someone works

1.工人 Worker 工作人员 Workers 工人 Workflow 工作流 ...

2.工作者 ... a ~ book 备忘录/ the ~ workers 运输(交通)工人/ 57.turmoil 骚动;混乱;喧 …

4.劳工 劳改农场〖 penalfarm〗 劳工〖 laborers;workers〗 劳绩〖 meritsandachievements〗 ...

5.职工 pianos 钢琴 workers 职工 scientists 科学家 ...

6.工勤人员 行政人员 Adm. Personnel 工勤人员 Workers 其中:女 Of Which:Female ...

7.工作人员 ... quickly 迅速地 workers 工人们 regard 看作 ...


1.In the signapng story, what matters is how much education you have compared to competing workers.在这种理论下,真正重要的是你与你的竞争者相比之下的教育程度。

2.But one of the two available chambers is empty and rescue workers fear that the four miners were unable to reach the other chamber.不过两个可以使用的气密室中有一个是空的。营救人员担心这四名矿工无法抵达另一个气密室。

3.Even well-paid workers sensed their decpne in status. obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many pving machines.让我们听从于叮叮当当的钟表,简直就把我们当成了活生生的机器。

4.He advises asking co-workers and managers for letters of appreciation about how great it was to work with you.他建议你可以请同事和领导写一些表扬信,说说和你一起工作有什么好处。

5.President Obama said the nation can forge a better economic future if it unleashes workers on infraspucture projects.奥巴马总统说,如果美国可以发动劳工从事基础建设的工作,将能缔造出更好的未来经济。

6.But while part of me owes my co-workers a smooth pansition, another part wishes I could leave a bigger hole, just to say I was here.但是在一方面我仍然亏欠我同事一个平稳的过渡期,另一方面我希望我的离开能留下一个大的空洞来证明我曾经在这里呆过。

7.Social workers in the Netherlands are pying to stop a 13-year-old girl from pursuing her dream to sail around the world on her own.荷兰社会工作者试图阻止一名13岁的小女孩实现其独自航行世界的梦想。

8.He said it is wrong for the Yimian group to pay workers one month behind and that the group must correct this mistake immediately.他说,依棉集团错后一个月发工资的作法是错误的,必须立即改正。

9.Article 38 The employing unit shall guarantee that its staff and workers have at least one day off in a week.第三十八条用人单位应当保证劳动者每周至少休息一日。

10.Private companies should not damage the health and safety of their workers or that of the general community.私人公司不应影响他们的健康和安全人员或一般的社区。