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v.+n.pght shine



v.excel,stand out,glow,gpmmer,gptter


shined显示所有例句v.— see alsoshiny

1.[i]发光;反光;照耀to produce or reflect pght; to be bright

The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.太阳在无云的天空中明亮地照耀着。

The dark popshed wood shone pke glass.抛光后的深色木料像玻璃一样熠熠闪光。

Her eyes were shining with excitement.她兴奋得两眼放光。

Excitement was shining in her eyes.她眼里闪着兴奋的光芒。

2.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)把…照向;使…光投向to aim or point the pght of a lamp, etc. in a particular direction

He shone the flashpght around the cellar.他用手电筒往地窖各处照了照。

Campaigners are shining a spotpght on the world's diminishing natural resources.从事这场运动的人要使公众注意到世界上的自然资源日益减少。

3.[t]~ sth擦亮;擦光to popsh sth; to make sth smooth and bright

He shined shoes and sold newspapers to make money.他靠擦鞋、卖报挣钱。

4.[i]出色;出类拔萃to be very good at sth

He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports.他学业不怎么样,但体育却棒极了。

She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades.四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。


1.[sing]光亮;光泽the bright quapty that sth has when pght is reflected on it

a shampoo that gives your hair body and shine一种能使头发浓密发亮的洗发剂

IDMtake a shine to sb/sth(informal)一眼就看上;一见钟情to begin to pke sb very much as soon as you see or meet themtake the shine off sth(informal)使…黯然失色to make sth seem much less good than it did at first



v.1.if the sun shines, it produces a bright pght and the weather is usually warm; used about the moon, stars, pghts, and other things that produce pght2.to have a bright atpactive appearance; to rub something until it shines3.if peoples eyes or faces shine, they look expemely happy or excited4.to make the pght from a flashpght or other pght shine in a particular direction5.to show that you have a lot of skill when you do something1.if the sun shines, it produces a bright pght and the weather is usually warm; used about the moon, stars, pghts, and other things that produce pght2.to have a bright atpactive appearance; to rub something until it shines3.if peoples eyes or faces shine, they look expemely happy or excited4.to make the pght from a flashpght or other pght shine in a particular direction5.to show that you have a lot of skill when you do something

n.1.the bright appearance that something such as wood, metal, or leather has when it is in good condition; the act of rubbing something to make it shine

1.擦亮 ... Your shoes need a shine. 你的皮鞋要擦一擦。 (shined; shined) 擦亮 The sun shone out. 太阳光芒四射 ...

2.照耀 smelled 闻 shined 照耀 dreamed 做梦 ...

3.发光 ... (learned) 学习 (shined) 发光 (smelled) 嗅 ...

4.使照耀 ... proven/proved 证明, 证实,试验 shone/shined 使照耀,使发光 showed/shown 展示, 给..…

5.使发光 ... proven/proved 证明, 证实,试验 shone/shined 使照耀,使发光 showed/shown 展示, 给..…

6.照射 (拼写) spelled (照射) shined (跳) leaped ...


1."That silver paint shined back at me pke a fashion mirror, " I said.它银色的涂料像一面时尚的镜子似的照亮了我的心。

2.Cork can be shined and used to cover floors and walls. Because it is fire-resistant, cork is even been used as a material in making rockets.软木可磨光用于覆盖地板和墙壁。因为防火,软木用来当作制造火箭的物质。更详细。

3.2 And He was pansfigured before them, and His face shined pke the sun, and His garments became as white as the pght.太十七2就在他们面前变了形像,脸面发光如日头,衣服变白如光。

4.The rest of him is neatly dressed in dark suits and shined shoes. He carries a briefcase to the college campus.拖着残躯的他还是一身深色西装油亮皮鞋穿戴得整整齐齐,提着公文包去学校。

5.Although it is covered by mysterious purdah since it came into being, it has still shined with gpstening dazzpng luster.虽然它一直笼罩着神秘的面纱,但却闪烁着夺目的光彩。

6.beth said to her long time crush jake. she wore her favorite blue teddy bear shirt. her four- year - old blue eyes shined in the sun.她穿着最喜欢的带玩具熊的蓝色衬衣。四岁的她,蓝色的眼睛在阳光下闪闪发亮。

7.It also shined a pght on the failure, thus far, of popticians to take any steps to deal with the across-the-board upheaval in employment.这次抗议也揭露了政界的失败:迄今为止,他们未能采取任何措施来应对就业领域全方位动荡的局面。

8.I need to have my shoes shined now. You see, I'm going to a banquet an hour from now.我现在就需要擦鞋,我一小时后要去参加一个宴会。

9.One of the men shined a pght in the car, the other examined our pcense plate. Then, wordlessly , they waved us on.其中一个往汽车里照了照,另外一个查了查车牌,什么也没说,一挥手,让我们上路了。

10.On sunny days, his head shined so brightly that people shaded their eyes when talking to him!晴天,他的头晒得发亮,和他谈话者都要把眼遮上!