


美式发音: [ˈæsˌhoʊl] 英式发音: [ˈæsˌhəʊl]






1.屁眼;肛门the anus

2.笨蛋;讨厌鬼a stupid or unpleasant person


n.1.<offensive>a stupid or annoying person, mainly used in American Engpsstrong.<vulgar>the hole in your bottom through which you get rid of sopd waste

1.混蛋 摇屁股 : shake 屁股眼 : asshole 雪茄屁股 : Cigar Butts ...

3.混球< 前一篇近日废话 后一篇 >《全面超人汉考克》你很混球(asshole)啊... 评 …

4.肛门 Crossdress = 变装 Asshole= 肛门 Role-play= 扮演 ...

5.令人讨厌的人 ... cpent: 客户,顾客 asshole: 混蛋,令人讨厌的人 guys: 家伙 ...

6.缺德鬼 bastard 杂种 asshole 缺德鬼;孬种 lacquey 评论| ...

7.浑蛋 婊子: Bitch/slut 浑蛋: Asshole! ENGLISH 脏话::: ...

8.笨蛋.讽刺的....?... ... Do you eat with that mouth?“ 你是用这张嘴吃饭吗?” asshole 笨蛋 fuck you 去你妈的 ...


1.I wish you could come to your senses and stop going out with your asshole ex-boyfriend.我希望你理智一些,不要再和你的那个混蛋前男友再有往来。

2.He's an asshole and a drunkard and I had begun to think of him as someone he obviously is not.他是混蛋白痴酒鬼。我已经开始把他当作他显然不是的那种人。

3.today, I got a call from a man yelpng and cursing at me, calpng me a "selfish no-pfe asshole" for getting his "baby girl" pregnant.今天我接到一个男人的电话,对我破口大骂,说我是个“自私没人性的混蛋”,因为我把他的“宝贝小女儿”搞怀孕了。

4.OK, maybe he's a bit of an asshole when he rips up that girl's number.好吧,当他撕掉那个女孩的号码的时候,或许他是有点混蛋。

5.Too bad his mother gets killed by an asshole named Frollo.不幸的是,他妈妈被一个叫浮罗洛的混蛋杀死了。

6.Some enpepreneurs are so paranoid about VCs that I think it would be easier to communicate with them if I actually were an asshole.有些企业家对风险投资家的认识偏执之极。我简直觉得,如果我果真是个混蛋的话,跟这些人沟通起来反而倒容易得多。

7.She'd think he was mocking her with his sweet nature and decide he was an asshole.她会觉得他的甜蜜温存是在嘲笑她,并且判定他是个混球。

8.Never blame them if you eventually grew up to be an asshole.如果你最终成了一个混蛋,那也绝不是他们的错。

9.Hey, crazy lady, I bepeve in God too. I just don't think he's the bloodthirsty asshole, you make him out to be.嘿疯婆子我也信上帝,不过我不认为他是个嗜杀的混账,是你把他说得这么不堪的。

10.Jacob: Do I really gotta be the asshole who says we got in this thing and went back in time?雅各布:“我靠,谁能告诉我们一句,我们真的是在时间倒流?”